Sparks, James L.
James L. Sparks, Sr., editor and proprietor of the Ripley News, was born in
Washington County, Va., October 9, 1813. His father moved to Jonesboro,
Washington Co., Tenn., when he was still a small boy, and where he spent the
greater part of his life. In 1836 Mr. Sparks, in connection with Lawson
Gifford, established The Tennessee Sentinel, the first Democratic paper
published in that county. When the war commenced he and Albert G. Graham were
publishing the Jonesboro Union, which they continued until the paper-mills
were closed and the supply of paper cut off. During the war Mr. Sparks was
deputy circuit court clerk and postmaster. Soon after the war he moved to
Ripley and took a position on the Ripley News as associate editor with his
son, J. L. Sparks, Jr., and after his death became sole editor, which position
he still holds, and by their united efforts have given the paper a high place
in the Tennessee press. In 1836 he married Margaret C. Greer, who was born
January 5, 1816, and nine children were born to them, two sons and two
daughters still living. All of the boys have been printers. When James L.,
Jr., died, his brother, Thomas M., succeeded as local editor and business
manager. His education has been chiefly acquired in the printing office,
where he has worked from boyhood. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks are Presbyterians and
the son a Methodist. Mr. Sparks is one of the oldest editors in the State,
and is regarded as an able newspaper man.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN