Rucker, Charles M.
Charles M. Rucker was born on the farm he now lives on, January 10, 1858, and
is the fifth child of eight children, three boys living. These children were
born to James M. and Julia E. (Chadwick) Rucker. They were of English-Scotch
descent. The father was born in Virginia, January 18, 1814, and moved to
Alabama when twelve years old, and remained some six years, then located in
Haywood County, Tenn. After reaching his majority, he went to live on the
Mississippi River near Hale’s Point. He was married in Mississippi County,
Ark., October 16, 1847, and in 1855 he moved to his present farm, where he
died August 4, 1879. Our subject’s mother was born near Newark, Ohio,
November 19, 1829, and is still living. Our subject was raised on a farm and
has always been a farmer. The two brothers are Albert G., born November 19,
1853, and Egbert Eugene, born December 1, 1856. Mr. Rucker was married in
this county to Lura A. Burks, a daughter of John N. Burks, a farmer born in
Virginia, and who died during the late war. Mrs. Rucker was born in
Lauderdale County, Tenn., May 27, 1864. They have two children: Linnie Etta,
born October 1, 1882, and Albert Eugene, born February 1, 1884. Mr. Rucker is
a Democrat and his wife, mother and two brothers belong to the Missionary
Baptist Church. He owns a farm of 510 acres, seventeen miles north of Ripley,
in the Eighth District of Lauderdale County. Mr. Rucker is a valuable citizen
and a good neighbor and true friend.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN