Rice, C. S. O.
Hon. C. S. O. Rice, a farmer and resident of the First District of Lauderdale
County, is a son of Shadrach and Louise E. (Linerieux) Rice. The father was
born in Marion District, S. C., in 1799, the mother in Georgetown District, S.
C., February 28, 1812. They were married December 20, 1827; seven sons and
five daughters were the result of this union, four sons and one daughter still
living. The parents came to West Tennessee, April 6, 1837, settling in
Lauderdale County, near Durhamville, where the father engaged in farming; they
were both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in politics the
father was a Democrat, and died May 8, 1869. The mother is still living with
our subject. C. S. O. Rice is of English descent on the father’s side, and
French on the mother’s, she being a descendant of the French Huguenots, her
grandparents leaving France to escape religious persecution, and settling in
South Carolina. Mr. Rice was born in Lauderdale County, Tenn., February 12,
1841, and was raised on a farm and received a good education, then attended
the law school at Lebanon, Tenn., in 1859-60. When the war commenced, Mr.
Rice volunteered in the Ninth Tennessee Infantry, (C.A.) serving a year, when
he was honorably discharged on account of ill health, but afterward enlisted
in the Seventh Tennessee Cavalry, holding the rank of second lieutenant, and
served until the close of the war. September 7, 1865, he married Miss Lucy Q.
Estes, who was born in Haywood County, July 16, 1845. They have had ten
children, seven now living — four sons and three daughters. Mr. and Mrs.
Rice and the oldest children belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church South.
In politics he is a Democrat. In 1874 he was elected to represent Lauderdale
County in the Legislature, and was again nominated by his party to represent
them September 4, 1886. Mr. Rice has been a resident of Lauderdale County all
his life, and quite successful as a farmer, owning 1,000 acres of land. He is
one of the influential citizens of the county.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN