Pugh, Sidney A.
Sidney A. Pugh, a farmer, merchant and mill owner, was born in Orange County,
N. C., September 22, 1840, and is the oldest of two sons and one daughter born
to John and Nancy (Lashley) Pugh, and is of Irish descent. His father was
born in North Carolina, and lived there until his death just before the war.
His mother was also a native of that State, and died there in 1871. Mr. Pugh
was raised on a farm, and had good school advantages; he has made farming his
business. He was in Company G, Fourth Tennessee Infantry, Confederate Army,
under Col. Neeley, of Bolivar, Tenn., and was in the battles of Belmont,
Shiloh and at Perryville, also at the bombardment of Island No. 10. He was
captured at Perryville, and held as a prisoner at Camp Douglas for eight
months, when he was sent to City Point, Va., and exchanged. He was severely
wounded at Perryville. Mr. Pugh was married, at Double Bridges in 1865, to
Miss Lucinda Curtis, a daughter of William Curtis, a farmer. One daughter was
born to them — Mary Jane. Mrs. Pugh died in 1867, and in 1870 Mr. Pugh
married Mrs. Mary A. Adams, a daughter of Samuel Hooper, and by this marriage
Mr. Pugh had one son — Sidney Eugene. Mrs. Pugh was born in Lauderdale
County, near Double Bridges, and is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church.
He is a Democrat, and belongs to the F. & A. M., and owns 640 acres of
valuable land, and raises cotton on a large scale. Mr. Pugh is a man of
integrity and sound judgement, and of fine social standing.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN