Price, Joseph
Joseph Price, a farmer and resident of the Fourth District, was born December
12, 1832, in Edgefield County, S. C. His parents were Joseph and Mary
(Jennings) Price. His father was a native and farmer of South Carolina, where
he died; also his mother. Our subject is of English descent, and was raised
on a farm until twenty-five years of age, when he commenced farming for
himself, continuing until the war, when he went into the Confederate service,
joining an artillery company of Georgia, remaining in that company for two
years. He was then with the Sixty-third Georgia Regiment, and was transferred
from that to the Twenty-fourth South Carolina Infantry, where he stayed until
the surrender at Greensboro, N. C. Soon after this he came to Lauderdale
County, and located in the Fourth District, and engaged in cotton planting,
which he has most successfully continued ever since. He is now worth about
$15,000, which he has made himself by his energy and economy. He was first
married to Carrie Mosely, of Lincoln County, Ga., in December, 1856. They had
one child — Gussie May. Mrs. Price died in 1872, and in May, 1874, he
married Emma Samuels. One son, Frank, was also born to this marriage, and
this wife died, in 1878, and he was married to his present wife, L. L.
Lankford, July 9, 1879, and by this last union has had three children: Anna,
Robert and Cora. Mr. Price is a man of good social standing and a member of
the K. of H., and politically votes with the Democratic party. Mr. Price’s
ancestors were English, and there is now a large legacy of several hundred
million dollars belonging to them in England which is being investigated, and
Mr. Price is by descent from some of the nobility of England.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN