Perkins, Levi S.
Levi S. Perkins, farmer and merchant of Lauderdale County, was born in
Lawrence County, Tenn., November 9, 1839, and was the son of Andrew M.
Perkins, who was born in Rutherford County in 1813, and was raised and
educated in that county. After attaining his majority, he married in
Lauderdale County, Charlotta Voss, a native of the county, and they had four
sons and four daughters. The father was a framer, and moved to West
Tennessee in October, 1849, locating in Haywood County, where he stayed seven
years, then moved to Lauderdale County, where he died June 4, 1874, and the
mother died November, 1864. Our subject was raised on a farm, attending the
schools in the county; he has since followed farming, but since 1880 has also
engaged in merchandising at Edith, Tenn., being a member of the firm of
Perkins & Pennington, dealers in general merchandise. Mr. Perkins was married
in Lawrence County, December 6, 1860, to Tennessee F. Pennington, daughter of
Joseph M. Pennington, a farmer and a native of Lawrence County, where she was
born in 1845. Mr. Perkins is a Democrat in National politics but in local
elections gives his support to the best man regardless of party nominations,
and with his wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church South. He owns a
valuable farm of ninety-five acres, eight miles north of Ripley, and with its
comfortable dwelling it is one of the pleasant homes of the county. Mr.
Perkins stands well as a citizen and a business man.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN