Norris, William M.
William M. Norris, a citizen of Hall’s Station, Tenn., was born at Fredonia,
Ind., July 18, 1856, and was the youngest child in a family of three sons, and
seven daughters born to Jimmerson and Martha A. (Webster) Norris, and is of
Irish descent. His father was born and raised in Kentucky, and married in
that State in 1839. He moved to Indiana and settled in the southern part of
the State, and died in Greene County, Ind., in 1865. The mother was born in
Kentucky in 1818, and is still living in Greene County, Ind., and a remarkably
active woman for her age. Our subject was raised on a farm and received a
common school education, and has made the lumber business his chief
occupation. Mr. Norris was married at Lawrenceville, Ill., November 9, 1882,
to Miss Eliza J. Payne, of Lawrence County, Ill., a daughter of Mrs. Burthena
Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Norris have had three children, but one of who is living
— Jessie Pearl, born March 22, 1886. Mrs. Norris was born in North Carolina
in 1862, and is a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Norris is a Democrat;
he is a generous, kind-hearted man, holding the confidence of all who know
him. He has recently erected a very comfortable dwelling house at Hall’s
Station, and is an industrious, prosperous man.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN