Myrick, W. T.
W. T. Myrick a citizen of Fulton, Tenn., was born March 19, 1845, in Hardeman
County, Tenn., and is a son of William H. and Jane (Thompson) Myrick. His
father was born in Virginia in 1797, and died in Tennessee in 1847, having
come to Tennessee in the pioneer days of the State. His mother was born in
this State in 1831. Our subject is of Scotch-Irish descent. He was raised in
Bolivar, Tenn., until the war, and, being only seventeen years old, he did not
enter the Confederate service until 1862, when he enlisted in Company E,
Seventh Tennessee Cavalry, but was afterward put in Gen. Forrest’s command,
where he remained until the war closed. He was captured at Whiteville, Tenn.,
but was released on account of his youthful appearance. May 3, 1866, he
married Miss Annie Lea, the daughter of John H. and Elizabeth Ann Lea, and
immediately after his marriage he went to Hicksford, Va., and engaged in
merchandising there for four years; then came to Fulton, Tenn., where he has
since lived, working in the interest of J. A. Lea & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Myrick
have one child, Alma Lea, born in May, 1870. Mrs. Myrick was born in
September, 1847, in Claiborne County, La. Mr. and Mrs. Myrick and their
daughter belong to the Missionary Baptist Church, and he is a Mason. In
politics he is a Democrat. He has been a very energetic business man, and is
respected and liked for his kindness of heart and honesty of purpose.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN