Moorer, Henry B.
Dr. Henry B. Moorer, a farmer of Lauderdale County, and a brother of W. H.
Moorer, was born in the county September 16, 1850, and remained on the farm
with his parents until eighteen years of age, when he went to New York, and
entered Bellevue Medical College in that city, graduating from the college in
March, 1871, and then returned to Durhamville, Tenn., where he engaged in the
practice of medicine, which his fine advantages and natural aptitude for that
profession most ably prepared him for. December 15, 1875, he was married to
Miss Ella Henning, who was born at Durhamville, March 3, 1857. Three children
have been born to this marriage: Allen M., born January 26, 1881, and died
December 17, 1883; Henry B., born May 14, 1883; Earl H., born July 31, 1885.
Dr. and Mrs. Moorer are active members of the Methodist Episcopal Church
South. In politics he is a Democrat, and is a Mason, having received the
degree of Most Excellent Master in the order. In 1878 Dr. Moorer moved to
Henning, Tenn., and gave his attention to farming, owning over 1,000 acres of
productive land; he has been a resident of Lauderdale County all his life, and
is a most popular, entertaining and hospitable gentleman.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN