Mitchell, DeWitt C.
De Witt C. Mitchell was born in Lauderdale County, within a short distance of
where he now resides, October 15, 1843. He is the only member living of a
family of four sons and three daughters, born to Zachariah and Minerva (Davis)
Mitchell, and is of Irish Descent. His father was born in Davidson County,
near Nashville, where he was raised and educated. He married and lived in
that county until 1836, when he moved to Lauderdale County, where he remained
until his death in 1871. The mother was also born in Davidson County, and
died in 1870. Our subject was raised on a farm and received a common school
education, and has made farming his chief business. Mr. Mitchell entered the
Confederate Army, Company E, First Confederate Cavalry, under Col. King. He
was in the battles of Perryville and Murfreesboro, and served over three
years; was captured at Murfreesboro, and held as a prisoner at Camp Douglass
for twenty-one months. He was married December 5, 1866, at Hall’s Station, to
Miss Martha J. Jordan, daughter of S. A. Jordan, a prominent farmer, and one
of the founders of Hall’s Station. Mr. Mitchell was born in Williamson
County, August 1, 1847. One son, James Archie, was born to this marriage
January 22, 1876. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are members of the Missionary Baptist
Church, and he is also a member of the K. of H. and G. C., and is a firm
Democrat. He owns 159 acres of land, and a nice residence.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN