Martin, R. W.
Dr. R. W. Martin, physician and farmer, is a son of William A. and Charlotte
(Robion) Martin. The father was born in Chesterfield County, Va., and the
mother in Cumberland County, Va. They had twelve children — ten boys and two
girls –only four of the sons survive. The father was a soldier in the war of
1812, serving until the end. He was a Methodist, and in politics an old line
Whig. He died in 1858. The mother was a Missionary Baptist, and died
February 7, 1863. Our subject is of Scotch descent on the father’s side, and
French on the mother’s, her parents being French Huguenots. Mr. Martin was
born in Chesterfield County, Va., July 25, 1841, and was raised on a farm,
receiving a high-school education, and in 1861 graduated in the Virginia
Medical College at Richmond. After graduating he volunteered April 16, 1861,
in the First Virginia Infantry (C. A.), and was promoted in August to
assistant surgeon, and in 1864 promoted to the rank of surgeon, which he held
until the close of the war. October, 1868, he came to West Tennessee,
locating in Lauderdale County, where he engaged in the practice of medicine
with marked success. July 16, 1870, he was united in marriage to Miss M. V.
Posey, a daughter of Mr. W. P. Posey. They have one daughter — Mary E., born
August 7, 1875. They are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church
South. Dr. Martin is a Democrat, and belongs to the Masonic, Odd Fellows and
Knights of Honor Lodges. In addition to his professional duties he has a farm
of 450 acres of land, most of it under cultivation. Dr. Martin is a
cultured, pleasant gentleman, and is well liked by all who know him.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN