Martin, John Harrison
John Harrison Martin, a farmer residing at Double Bridges, in the northern
part of Lauderdale County, was born in Calloway County, Ky., October 14, 1858,
and was the third child of six sons and one daughter born to E. R. and
Elizabeth (Powell) Martin. The parents were both natives of Williamson
County, where they were raised and married August 5, 1855, and in the
following November they moved to near Shiloh, Calloway County, Ky., but in
1860 moved to West Tennessee, and settled at Double Bridges. The father was a
Mason, and a member of the Baptist Church, and engaged in farming until his
death, which occurred April 15, 1867. The mother is still living and makes
her home with our subject. John H. Martin was raised and educated on the
farm, and has followed farming as his occupation. He was married in
Lauderdale County January 29, 1885, to Miss Emma Ada Lee, daughter of Thomas
F. Lee, a farmer. She was born near Gates, Lauderdale County, October 9,
1862. Mr. Lee, her father, was a native of North Carolina, came to Tennessee
when a young man and married Susan C. Williamson, and died March 7, 1881. Our
subject is a Democrat, and cast his first presidential vote for Gen. Hancock,
and with his wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church South. They have
one child — Alice Lee. Mr. Martin has a farm of eighty acres of fine land
ten miles and a half north of Ripley and their residence is pleasant. He
stands well in his community, and is regarded as a correct business man and a
good citizen.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN