Mann, Joseph B.
Joseph B. Mann, a citizen and industrious farmer of the Tenth District of
Lauderdale County, is the son of Rowland T. and Charlotte L. (Mitchum) Mann.
The father was born in Chatham County, N. C., October 27, 1795, and died there
in February, 1842; the mother was born January 25, 1803, and died November 20,
1885. They were married in 1819, and our subject, J. B., was the third of
twelve children born to their marriage. He was born January 25, 1825; was
raised on a farm, and remained with his mother until twenty years of age, and
in North Carolina until twenty-five years of age. He then came to Lauderdale
County and settled on the farm where he now lives, and has been very
successful at farming. In 1853 he was elected constable and served eighteen
months. September 29, 1852, he married Elizabeth N. Norman, daughter of Jack
and Theresa F. Norman. Her father was born June 10, 1811, and her mother
March 10, 1818. Mr. and Mrs. Mann had eleven children, but only three are
living, and they are Lavenia Jane (wife of James Warmouth), Dulcena Elizabeth
and Joseph Zachary Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Mann are both members of the
Methodist Episcopal Church South. He is a Democrat and a Mason, belonging to
the Western Valley Lodge. He is now in good circumstances, the result of his
own thrift, labor and economy, and stands well in the community in which he
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN