Lindsley, Capt. M. M.
Capt. M. M. Lindsley, the leading merchant of Fulton, Tenn., was born December
11, 1833, in Limestone County, Ala., and is a son of Col. William and Anna M.
(Motle) Lindsley. His father was born in 1798, and was a colonel in the
United Army, and a native of Norfolk, Va. He was an officer in the United
States Army for a number of years, and died in the service in 1838. His
mother was a near relative of the Motles, who made themselves famous during
the Revolutionary war, in South Carolina. Our subject was only five years old
when his father died; he then went to live with an uncle in Boston, Mass., but
in two years went to an aunt in Mississippi, and remained with her until
twenty years of age; he then went to Nicaragua and joined Gen. Walker’s army,
and spent a year in the service, and then returned to the United States, and
engaged in civil engineering in Alabama, until the war, when he entered the
Confederate service in Company A, Nineteenth Mississippi Infantry, as second
lieutenant. In the spring of 1862 he made aide-de-camp, and served in this
capacity on Gen. C. M. Wilcox’s staff until the surrender, when he returned to
Mississippi and engaged in cotton planting in Noxubee County. In 1868 he
moved to Fulton, Tenn., and took an interest in the firm of A. C. Lea & Co.,
and since the death of Albert Lea, the senior partner, has taken his place,
assuming control of the general business, and holding a controlling interest
in the firm. Mr. Lindsley was married October 12, 1865, to Frances Johnson, a
daughter of Michael Johnson.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN