Jordan, Stephen A.
Stephen A. Jordan, a substantial farmer at Hall’s Station, Lauderdale County,
on the Newport News & Mississippi Valley Railroad, was born in Williamson
County, Tenn., February 4, 1825, and was the ninth child of fifteen children,
born to Stephen and Anna (Dean) Jordan, and is of Irish descent. His father
was born in Halifax County, Va., and came to Tennessee with his parents when a
boy; he was raised and married in Williamson County, and died there in 1848,
and the mother died in 1840. Our subject was raised on a farm and well
educated at Hardeman academy. He entered the Confederate Army, Fifteenth
Tennessee Cavalry, and served over three years; was in the battles at
Columbia, Spring Hill, Franklin and Nashville. September 8, 1846, he married
in Williamson County, Miss Mary M. Caruthers, daughter of Robert Caruthers, a
farmer. Four sons and four daughters were born to this marriage: Martha J.
(Mitchell), William J. (who died October 1884), Joseph B., Robert C., Emmerson
F., Annie E. (Dunavant), Cora S. (Nunn), and Mary L. Mrs. Jordan was born in
Williamson County, May 4, 1828. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, and all but two of the
children, belong to the Missionary Baptist Church. He is a Democrat, and owns
300 acres of fine land, raising stock and grain, and has lived at his present
homestead since 1839. He is a liberal man, and a man of strict integrity.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN