Hendren, Oliver T.
Oliver T. Hendren was born in Rowan County, N. C., January 17, 1821, and was
the fourth child of a family of six sons and four daughters born to Beal W.
and Nancy T. (Hudson) Hendren, and is of Welsh descent, and by trade a
machinist and carpenter. His father was born in North Carolina, and moved to
Madison County, Tenn., in March, 1826, but was raised and married in his
native State. His wife’s parents were of Irish descent, but were born in
North Carolina. He was by trade a saddler, which he followed for fourteen
years. In 1828 he moved to Tipton County and engaged in farming until his
death in 1842. Our subject’s mother was born in North Carolina and died in
Lauderdale County, June 27, 1871. Our subject received a common-school
education; he learned the carpenter’s trade in Fayette County, and the
machinist’s in Memphis. He was married in Fayette County, December, 1842, to
Agnes H. Gregory, a daughter of J. T. Gregory, a native of South Carolina.
Five sons and seven daughters were born to this marriage; nine of them living.
Mrs. Hendren was born in South Carolina, December 30, 1823, and died January
13, 1885. Mr. and Mrs. Hendren belonged to the Methodist Episcopal Church
South. He is a Democrat and a Mason, and he has served as magistrate since
1853, except two years during the war, and was the founder of Curve, a station
on the Newport News & Mississippi Valley Railroad, six and a half miles north
of Ripley, and is one of the most respected and substantial citizens of that
locality. Mr. Hendren has 117 acres of land, and gives his chief attention to
raising fruit. He is an upright and industrious man.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN