Hall, Tolbert F.
Tolbert F. Hall, a manufacturer, and member of the firm of Hall & Brandon,
manufactures of pipe-staves, located at Hall’s Station, on the Newport News &
Mississippi Valley Railroad, was born in Gibson County, January 29, 1847, and
was the second of four living children born to Hansford R. and Orpha Lucinda
(Conley) hall, and is of English-Welsh descent. The father was born in
Rutherford County, May 20, 1818, and gave his time to farming, and now owns
about 550 acres of good land. Soon after his marriage, which occurred June
13, 1844, in Rutherford County, he moved to Gibson County and settled there.
He aided in the organization of Crockett County, and by the change, became a
citizen of the new county. In 1871, he moved to Lauderdale County, where he
has since resided, and was one of the founders of Hall’s Station, one of the
flourishing business towns of the northern part of the county. The place had
to contend with strong competition with Gates, another small town of the
county, but by the untiring energy of Mr. Hall, the difficulties have been
overcome, and the town is now in a flourishing condition. He is a Democrat
and a Mason, and he and family, with one exception, are members of the
Christian Church. Our subject’s mother was born in Rutherford County, Tenn.,
in the twenties. Mr. Hall was raised and educated on a farm, remaining until
twenty-two years old. He was married in Rutherford County, March 23, 1870, to
Miss Mary B. Brandon, daughter of W. G. Brandon, a contractor of public work.
Two sons and four daughters were born to them: William H., Conley, Eolian,
Miriam, Tealey L. and Jewel. Mrs. Hall was born in Rutherford County, Tenn.,
August 2, 1849. Mr. and Mrs. Hall, are members of the Christian Church, and
he is a Democrat. He owns 750 acres of good land, with a nice residence and
good improvements, and also owns Hall’s Hotel, besides other residences and
business houses at Hall’s Station. He is a liberal, upright man, and a most
valuable citizen. He has two sisters and one brother: Sara A. (Stephens),
Tolbert F., Martha J., (Brandon) and John Leroy.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN