Hafford, Coleman
Coleman Hafford, one of the prominent farmers of Lauderdale County, was born
in the county, November 30, 1841, and is the second member of a family of four
sons and a daughter, born to William and Margaret (Tinsley) Hafford, and is of
Irish descent. His father was born in South Carolina, and after attaining his
majority came to Tennessee. He was married in Madison County, and soon after
moved to Lauderdale County, where he raised his family and lived until he died
in 1853. The mother was born in Dickson County, Tenn., in 1814, and is still
living with her children, and is a devout member of the Missionary Baptist
Church. Mr. Hafford was raised on a farm, and received a good education. He
enlisted in Company E, First Confederate Cavalry, under Col. Cox, and was in
the battle of Perryville, was captured at Sparta and released on parole;
served in the army over three years. He was married in Lauderdale County,
November 6, 1867, to Miss Nannie E. Mitchell, a daughter of Abram Mitchell.
She was born in Davidson County, May 6, 1846, and died February 2, 1884. One
son and three daughters were born to their marriage: William F., Nannie L.,
Olga and Mattie. Mrs. Hafford was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church
South, and Mr. Hafford belongs to the Missionary Baptist Church. He is a
Democrat, and owns 265 acres of good land, 190 acres of it in the home-place,
one mile southwest of Hall’s Station. He is a generous, upright man, highly
esteemed by all who know him.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN