Glass, P. T.
Hon. P. T. Glass. Among the most distinguished and respected citizens of
Lauderdale County stands Hon. P. T. Glass, born in Halifax County, Va.,
October 18, 1824. He was brought to Weakley County when only four years old,
and educated at Dresden Academy; then attended the law school at Lexington,
Ky., and was admitted to the bar in 1847, forming a partnership with Hon.
Emerson Etheridge. From youth he has held the confidence of the public and of
friends. When only eighteen he was colonel of the militia, and since then has
faithfully served the people as magistrate and chairman of the county court;
represented his district in the Legislature, and in the Forty-ninth Congress,
being elected over Emerson Etheridge by a sound Democratic majority. The
interests of the people, opposition to monopolies and faith in the
intelligence and virtue of the masses, have been his guide in all legislation.
In 1848 he married Sarah C. Partee, who was born April 3, 1831, and two sons
were born to them. She died in 1852, and in 1855 he married Maria Partee, a
cousin of his first wife. Two daughters was the result of this union, and
after their mother died Mr. Glass married, in 1868, Susan T. Barbee. His
first two wives and himself were Missionary Baptists, his present wife a
Methodist. During the war, Mr. Glass served the Confederacy four years in the
commissary department with rank of major. When not serving the public he has
engaged in farming and the mercantile business, having been a merchant at
Ripley for twenty years.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN