Gillespie, J. E.
J. E. Gillespie resides in the Eleventh District, and was born in Lauderdale
County, July 28, 1842, and is a son of James and Minerva (Nelson) Gillespie,
who were both natives of South Carolina, though his father was raised in North
Carolina. Our subject is of Irish descent, and was raised on a farm and
worked for his father until twenty-six years of age, when he commenced farming
for himself, and in 1867 he engaged in the cotton-gin business in connection
with farming, and still successfully continues both. Mr. Gillespie was
married April 14, 1869, to Miss Jennie Lewton, daughter of William and Martha
Lewton. They have five children: John May, Laura J.,, Florence Ella, Thomas
B., Rilla Adell. Mr. Gillespie is a man of strict integrity and generous
disposition. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, in good
standing, and of good social position. His school advantages were limited,
but he has always manifested a ready willingness to support and assist all
enterprises for advancing the cause of education. Politically Mr. Gillespie
is a Democrat, and he is a worthy citizen of Lauderdale County.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN