Gause, Thompson G.
Thompson G. Gause, a citizen of Ripley, Tenn., is a son of John P. and Hannah
J. (Green) Gause. They were born, raised and married in North Carolina. In
1839 they moved to Brownsville, Tenn., and made it their home. Four sons and
a daughter were born to them, and the parents and all of the children belong
to the Methodist Church. Mr. Gause was a lawyer of marked ability and a
leading member of the Brownsville bar, a zealous worker in his church, and
widely known for his piety. He was in the Legislature while in North
Carolina. He died in 1855, and since his death the mother has lived with her
children; she is now seventy years old. Thompson G. Gause is of French
descent on his father’s side, and was born June 15, 1840, in Brownsville, and
after attending the school there, completed his education at Murfreesboro;
then engaged in farming. In 1860 he married Sarah G. Moorer, born in 1842,
and they have had three sons and two daughters; the entire family are
Methodists. In 1861 Mr. Gause volunteered in Company M, of Seventh Tennessee
Cavalry (Confederate Army) but after a year’s service his youngest brother
took his place and returned to take care of his wife and mother, and farmed
until 1882; then moved to Ripley, but continues farming in connection with his
other business. Before the war he was a Whig, but since then has been a
Democrat. Mr. Gause has been a resident of Lauderdale County for thirty-five
years, he is a good business man, and a most worthy citizen and church member.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN