Fitzpatrick, Peter
Peter Fitzpatrick, a venerable farmer, who was a pioneer of Lauderdale County,
is a son of Edmund and Nancy (Oliver) Fitzpatrick. The father was born in
Pittsylvania County, Va., the mother in Charlotte County, Va. They were
married about 1785. Four of the eleven children born to this marriage — our
subject and three sisters — are living. The mother belonged to the Primitive
Baptist Church. The father was a Democrat, and died in his sixty-sixth year,
the mother living eight years after his death. Our subject is of Scotch-Irish
descent, and was born in Charlotte County, Va., April 18, 1805; was raised on
a farm and well educated. December 24, 1828, he married Miss Elizabeth Bruce,
who was born in Charlotte County, Va., March 10, 1810. Nine children were the
result of this union — two sons and a daughter now living: William H., born
December 28, 1844; John B., born January 28, 1848, and Susan A., born in 1830
(she married T. L. Clark in 1846); Edward N., born October 6, 1829, died
February 14, 1876, a magistrate of Lauderdale County, and a very prominent and
successful farmer; Capt. Peter J., born October 27, 1833, killed at the battle
of Perryville, Ky. — was a talented and prominent young man, holding the rank
of captain in the Confederate Army from Tennessee. Mr. Fitzpatrick and wife
came to Lauderdale County in 1847, settling two miles from Henning, Tenn.,
where he still lives. Mrs. Fitzpatrick was a member of the Baptist Church,
and died August 18, 1851. In politics Uncle Peter, as he is familiarly
called, is an emphatic Democrat. He has been a citizen of Lauderdale County
for thirty-nine years, and has been a farmer all of his life. He owns 344
acres of good land, and is widely known all over the county, and
affectionately esteemed as a kind-hearted, venerable man.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN