Emanuel Cox Family Bible
Emanuel Cox. Father of John and Samuel Cox. 1723
1. John Cox, son of Emanuel by first [wife] born 27 Oct. 1752
2. Josiah Cox, born 7 March 1755
3. Rebecca Cox, born 27 March 1757
These 1st 3 by unknown 1st wife {Gilda’s Note}
Samuel Cox, son of Emanuel, born 26 Nov. 1759
Sarah Cox, born 25 July 1761
William Cox, born 4 Feb. 1763
Mary Cox, born 14 June 1766
Benjamin Cox, born 6 April 1768
Elizabeth Cox, born 17 June 1771
Jesse Cox, born 11 June 1775
Ezekiel Coxe, born 10 March 1784
Emelia, dau of Emanuel and Mercy b. 4 Jan 1784, d. 12 Mar 1807
[these last 2 birth dates are ???, Gilda’s Note]
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— Willis Hargrove was born October 7, 1789
— Rachel Hargrove his wife was born July 1, 1794
— Willis and Rachel was married April 7, 1814
— Jessee Hargrove son of Willis and Rachel his wife was born December 25 1814
— Milly Hargrove daughter of Willis and Rachel his wife was born October 1, 1816
— Martha Hargrove daughter of Willis Hargrove and Rachel his wife was born June 29, 1818
— Reuben Hargrove son of Willis Hargrove and Rachel his wife was born October 17, 1819
— Manuel and Mary Hargrove son and daughter of Willis Hargrove and Rachel his wife was born October 17, 1821
— Elizabeth Hargrove daughter of the above was born January 1, 1823
— David Hargrove son of the above was born February 6th 1824
— Margret Hargrove daughter of the above was born November the 27, 1825
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— John T. Hargrove son of the above was born April 2, 1827
— J. Wesley Hargrove son of the above was born August 6, 1828
— Sarah Ann Hargrove daughter of the above was born December 8, 1829
— Sarah Ann Hargrove deceased this life February the 12, 1830
— William Jackson Hargrove the son of the above was born July the 18, 1831
— F. Marion Hargrove the son of the above was born 16th of September 1832
— George Washington son of the above was born 19 of December 1833
— Jessee Cox Senor was born June the 13, 1775 and deceased this life July 12th 1849, his age 74
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— Margaret Shelton was born 29 of May 1833
— Wm. Marion Shelton was born December 29, 1834
— W. Marion Shelton deceased this life May the 17, 1835
— Jesse Cox son of the above was bourned June the 12th 1775
— Jesse Cox was married to Martha his wife April 27th 1793
— Rachel Cox daughter of the above was born July 1st 1794
— Joseph Cox son of the above was born January the 30th 1796
— Enos Cox son of the above was bourn September 17th 1797
— Anne Cox Daughter of the above was borne February the 13th Day 1799
— Mary Cox daughter of the above was born May the 9th Day 1800
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— Peggy Cox daughter of the above was borne May the 12th day 1801
— Martha Cox Daughter of the above was borne September the 2th day 1802
— Martha Cox his wife deceased November 28th 1802
— Martha Cox deceased March 1804
— James Cox Son of the above was born March the 4th 1804
— Manuel Cox son of the above was borne August the 3th 1805
— Jesse Cox was Baptized November the 22, 1802
— Ann Cox daughter of James Bolton was born Desember the 1, 1776
[this is Enos’ step-mother] Ann [Bolton] Cox
— Jesse Cox son of Jesse Cox was born May the 10, 1814
— George Edwards Cox son of Jesse Cox and Ann his wife was born June the 23, 1817
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— Elkanah Cox Son of Jesse Cox and Ann Cox his wife was born March the 13th in the year of our Lord 1807
— Samuel Cox Son of Jesse Cox was born April the 19, 1809
— Sarah Cox Daughter of Jesse Cox was born February the 24, 1811
— William Cox son of Jesse Cox was born September 23, 1812
— Jesse Cox son of Jesse Cox and Ann Cox his wife was born May the 10, 1814
— George Edwards Cox Son of Jesse and Ann Cox his wife was born June the 23, 1817
These five pages were copied from the “Cox” Family Bible in the same order as they (the entries) appear in the Bible. No corrections were made. Spelling here was copied from the Bible, e.g., “born” which is spelled in various ways.
Malone L. Cobb
The Baptist Banner, 1 Aug. 1849
Departed this life, July the 12th, Rev. Jesse Cox, in the seventy fifth year of his age.
Elder Cox was a native of South Carolina, and moved to Kentucky about forty years ago; he was early the subject of religious impressions. When quite a youth he sought the society of Christians, listened with great attention to religious conversation, and feeling himself a sinner, he was led to the foot of the cross. He was relieved, after a time, of his distress; but so gradual was the work of grace on his heart that he scarcely knew how or when the change took place, which led him often to doubt the reality of his conversion.
He was baptized Nov. 22, 1802, and united with others in holding prayer meetings. After he came to Kentucky he united with the Dry Creek Church, which is the oldest in Trigg county.
Being zealous in the cause of religion, and feeling it his duty to preach the Gospel, he was permitted to exercise his gift in that way. Elder Cox was a poor man, with a very limited education, in consequence of which he labored under great embarrassments. He was not ordained until the 2nd of Sept., 1835. After his ordination his labors were abundantly blest.
He visited the upper part of Calloway county, then a destitute region, where he preached and baptized a good many converts. Two of them (Elders Hodges and Skinner) are now successful Ministers of the Gospel. Elder Cox was not an able preacher, but a warm and zealous exhorter, which, with his great piety, made him eminently useful. Never shall I forget his pathetic exhortations to his children and grandchildren; he would tell them he could not long remain on earth; that he wanted them all to meet him in heaven.
Father Cox was afflicted for many years with a swelling in his feet and ankles, which no doubt brought him to his end. During his last sickness the swelling advanced upwards until it reached his body. He was confined to his room three or four months before his death. I visited him twice or three times during his sickness, and found him always disposed to talk on the subject of religion. He told me the grave looked cold and gloomy at times, “but,” said he, “my trust is in Jesus.” I am informed by his friends that a day or two before his death his faith grew strong, all gloom was dissipated and he was fully resigned to death. Being in his senses, and suffering but little pain, he closed his eyes himself, and with a smile on his countenance bid the world adieu.
“Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace.” ps. 37. 37.
(MY NOTE: Psalms 37, 37) G.A. PATTERSON
Additional information furnished by Gilda Cox McLamb:
Emanual Cox was the gr-grandfather of Manual David Cox of Lauderale County, TN.
Rev. Jesse Cox was the father of Enos Cox and the grandfather of Manuel David Cox.
Enos Cox was the father of Manual David Cox.
Contributed by Jean Bell and Gilda Cox McLamb