Durham, Bartlett C.
Bartlett C. Durham, clerk of circuit court, is a son of Albert S. and Mary
(Cleaves) Durham, both natives of Orange County, N.C., he born in 1815, and
she in 1818. They were married in that county, and remained there till 1845,
when they moved to northern Mississippi, and there passed the remainder of
their days. Their family consisted of five children, four sons and one
daughter. In 1856 the mother died, and two years later the father married Mrs.
Jane E. Balch, and to this union were born four children. The father was a
member of the Methodist Church, as were also both wives. He was a farmer and
an uncompromising Democrat. He died in 1869. Our subject inherits English
blood form bother paternal and maternal ancestors, and was born September 8,
1842. He grew up on the farm, and was educated at the country schools. At the
age of eighteen he volunteered in Company E, First Mississippi Infantry,
where, after serving a while as private, he was promoted to the position of
sergeant, and from that to quartermaster-sergeant, and finally to second
lieutenant, holding that position till the close of the war. He was one of the
brave boys who defended Fort Donelson, where he was captured and taken to Camp
Morton, Ind. After six month’s imprisonment he was exchanged, and again re-
entered the service; was again taken at Port Hudson, La., but, paroled,
thereupon he a third time joined his comrades. During four years’ service he
never received a wound. At the close of the war he entered a dry goods house,
where he remained till 1868. He then moved to Lauderdale County, and in 1869
was married to Melissa V. Shelton, a native of this county, born April 29,
1847, and this union resulted in the birth of six children. Mr. Durham is a
farmer, a Democrat, and a member of the Methodist Church. In connection with
his farming interests he ran a mill. He was occupied the position of
magistrate and circuit court clerk, holding the latter position for the third
time, and has proved a faithful public servant and a trustworthy citizen. At
his last election he received 2,841 out of 3,214 votes cast. On the 18th of
October, 1886, his faithful companion passed away, after many months of
wasting sickness.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN