Cusick, J. T. Newton
J. T. Newton Cusick was born in Haywood County, Tenn., May 16, 1847, and is
the oldest of five sons and three daughters born to Newton M. and Sarah A.
(Lawrence) Cusick, being of Irish-English descent. His father was born in
Guilford County, N. C., and came with his parents to Tennessee, in 1824, and
settled near Wellwood, Haywood County, when the country was a wilderness, and
married in that county, living there until 1856, when he moved to Lauderdale
County, settling near Double Bridges, where he continued to reside until his
death, December 1, 1873. He served his district as magistrate for six years,
and was a useful, influential citizen of the county. Our subject’s mother was
born in Granville County, N.C., and is still living on the old homestead. Mr.
Cusick was raised and educated on the farm. Most of his time has been given to
mechanical work, until the last few years he has bee a clerk and book-keeper
in a general merchandise store at Double Bridges, and has held the office of
magistrate for four years, discharging the duties in a most satisfactory way.
Mr. Cusick is a Democrat and a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and
gives freely of his means to all charitable and religious enterprises.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN