Crockett, Andrew
Andrew Crockett, trustee of Lauderdale County, was born May 29, 1854, in
Williamson County, Tenn., his parents were Joseph and Sarah A. (Robinson)
Crockett, who were both natives of Williamson County, where they were raised
and married. In 1855 they moved to Lauderdale County, and made it their home.
The father was a farmer, and politically a Democrat. He did not belong to any
church, but the mother was a Methodist. Eight children were born to them, four
sons and two daughters now living. The father died in 1877; since then the
mother has lived a widow at the old homestead. Our subject was raised on the
farm, and worked hard; had poor school advantages. He remained with his mother
until twenty-one years of age; a year later he was elected constable and at
the same time acted as deputy sheriff, then had a grocery store for a year at
Double Bridges. In 1880 Mr. Crockett was elected sheriff, and for six years
held the office, giving entire satisfaction in the discharge of his duties,
and in 1886 was elected to the important office of trustee, and has filled
some important office ever since he attained his majority, which speaks well
for the confidence and esteem he receives from his fellow citizens. Mr.
Crockett is still unmarried, and is quite popular in the society of Ripley.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN