Bradford, Richard C.
Richard C. Bradford, a resident and farmer of Lauderdale County, Tenn., was
born in Carroll Parish, La., October 15, 1861. His grandfather, John Bradford,
was born in England about 1780, and came to the United States about 1807,
married in Virginia, and in 1820 moved to Illinois, and soon after moved to
what is now Lauderdale County, where he raised his family and died in 1873.
Our subject’s father, John S. Bradford, was born near Durhamville, Lauderdale
County, September, 1831. When twenty-two, he went to Louisiana, where he was
an overseer until 1855, when he returned to Tennessee and married Miss V. A.
Browning, a sister of Hon. R. H. Browning, and daughter of Leven Browning, a
merchant and farmer. After this they moved to Louisiana, and remained until
the war, when he enlisted in the Confederate Army. After the war he moved to
Mississippi, but two years later he returned to Lauderdale County, and died
January 7, 1877. The mother was born in Nashville, and died while on a visit
to Calhoun County, Miss., June 22, 1878. Our subject was raised on the farm,
and, after attending the schools in the county, spent four years at McKenzie
College and a year and a half at the Vanderbilt University at Nashville. Mr.
Bradford was married in Lauderdale County, February 14, 1884, to Miss Addie
Tillman, a daughter of W. T. Tillman. One daughter, Erin, was born to them
July 25, 1885. The mother was born in Lauderdale County June 13, 1863. Mr.
Bradford is a Democrat, but liberal in his political views, and his wife and
himself belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church South. He is a frank,
generous disposition, and possesses fine business capacity. Mr. Bradford has
900 acres of land twelve miles north of Ripley, in a fertile, undulating
locality. The dwelling is handsome, and a delightful home.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN