Bomer, Thomas G.
Thomas G. Bomer, farmer and merchant, was born in Williamson County, Tenn.,
May 7, 1828. His father, William Bomer, was born in Halifax County, Va., and
immigrated to Williamson County, Tenn., when a young man, and married Miss
Margaret B. Ricketts, a daughter of Thomas Ricketts, a farmer formerly of
North Carolina. Their family consisted of three sons and four daughters, our
subject being the oldest child. The father moved with his family to Calloway
County, Ky., in 1858, and two years later moved to Weakley County, Tenn.,
where he remained until he died, in 1878, and one day later his wife died and
they were both buried in the same grave. Our subject was raised and educated
on a farm, and has made farming his business. He remained at his father’s
until twenty-three years of age, then married in Williamson County, Tenn.,
December 23, 1851, Miss Mary Powell, a daughter of Squire Powell. Four sons
and three daughters were born to this union: William P., Edward J., John
O’Neil, Otie G., Minerva A., (Tilman) Mollie L. and Annie. Two have died,
William P., November 11, 1878, and Minerva A. Tilman died near San Antonio,
Tex., September 28, 1876. Mrs. Bomer was born in Adair County, Ky., April 13,
1832. Mr. Bomer is a Democrat and a Mason, and his wife and children are
members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Mr. Bomer is a man of kind
heart and a high sense of honor; he is well liked in his community. He owns a
good farm with a comfortable residence on it, thirteen miles north of Ripley
on the Ripley and Key Corner road.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN