Blair, William A.
William A. Blair, a prosperous merchant of Hall’s Station, Lauderdale Co.,
Tenn., was born two miles southeast of Friendship, Crockett Co., Tenn.,
February 8, 1858, and is the oldest of seven children born to G.W. & M.J.
Davis; three sons and one daughter are living. Our subject is of Irish
descent. His father was born in North Carolina, and came with his parents to
Tennessee when eight years old, and lived in Carroll County, where he was
raised and educated, and after reaching his majority he went to what is now
Crockett County, where he married and raised his family, and is still living.
His wife died in Gibson County in 1869. William A. Blair was raised on a farm
and received a good education; he has made merchandising his business. He
served a year at first with Tucker & Hamlet, as clerk in their grocery store;
then clerked in the general merchandise store for three years and a half for
J.B. Tucker. For three years he has been in business for himself, with a large
stock of drugs and groceries. He was married in Haywood County, December 4,
1884, to Miss Ada G. Wortham, a daughter of Rush Wortham, a farmer. She was
born in Shelby County, twelve miles from Memphis. Mr. Blair is a Democrat, and
a member of the Christian Church, while Mrs. Blair belongs to the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church. His business prospects are good, and he is regarded by
all as an accurate business man and a worthy citizen.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN