Bibb, Stephen H.
Stephen H. Bibb, a prominent farmer residing in the northern part of
Lauderdale County, was born in Rockingham County, N.C., July 30, 1833, and was
the tenth child of eleven children, nine of whom lived to be grown, born to
Richard C. and Margary (Hooper) Bibb. Both parents were born in North
Carolina, and came to Tipton County, Tenn., in 1840. The father was a
carpenter, but gave his time to farming; he died on Knob Creek in Lauderdale
county, in 1861, and the mother died at the homestead on Knob Creek, in 1862.
Our subject was raised and educated on a farm, and has made farming his
business. In 1862 he enlisted in the Confederate Army, with Gen. Chalmer’s
brigade of cavalry, but after serving eighteen months was discharged on
account of ill-health. January 31, 1856, he was married in this county to Miss
Martha E. Forbest, and to this union were born Mary A., September 7, 1857;
William R., born May 12, 1861, and Stephen R., born October 15, 1862. The
latter married Miss Martha C. Childress, daughter of J. F. Childress, and to
them were born four children at two births. Mrs. Bibb was born near
Bloomfield, Ill., and died December 26, 1865, and our subject was married the
second time in Lauderdale County, February 10, 1867, to Mrs. Nancy W. Edney.
She had one son by her former marriage — John G. Edney, born June 8, 1862.
Mrs. Bibb was a native of this county, born June 16, 1842, a daughter of
Squire Thomas J. Childress, a very prominent farmer of his locality. Our
subject is a Democrat, casting his first presidential vote for James Buchanan;
he is a Mason, and with his wife belongs to the Methodist Church South. Mr.
Bibb has a good farm ten miles north of Ripley. He is a quiet, industrious
farmer, holding the respect of the community in which he lives.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN