Archer, Leamon B.
Leamon B. Archer, a resident of Halls Station, Tenn., was born near Garland,
in Tipton County, August 24, 1859, and was the second of five sons born to
Charles W. and Susan E. (Walker) Archer, and is of French-German descent. His
father was born in Fayette County, but his parents moved to Tipton County when
he was an infant. He was raised, educated and married, and died in that county
on February 18, 1878. The mother was born in Tipton County, Tenn., November 1,
1836, and now resides in Covington. Our subject was raised and educated on a
farm, and farmed two years for himself, and at twenty-two years of age
commenced clerking for Armestead Bros., at Fulton, Tenn., going from this
place to Elmot, Ark., clerking for John Oglesby & Co., but was compelled to
give up the position on account of ill health and became a member of the firm
of Archer, Walk & Co., of Garland, Tenn., but a year later commenced
merchandising for himself at Halls Station, which he continued from June,
1884, to April, 1886, when he sold out to T. E. Salisbury; he is now the
proprietor of a livery stable, and is railroad agent at Hall’s Station. Mr.
Archer is a Democrat, and cast his vote for Gen. Hancock. He is a member of
the National Railroad Agents Association, and one of the popular, enterprising
business men of the place.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN