Anthony, E. R.
E. R. Anthony, son of Dr. Thomas Anthony and Susan M. Anthony, was born in
Durhamville, Lauderdale County, May 29, 1856. He received a common-school
education and worked on the farm until eighteen years old. November 13, 1885
he married Miss Admonia Jones, who was born in Lauderdale County, February 4,
1869. One son, Eugene Thomas, was born to them August 13, 1886. Neither Mr.
Anthony nor his wife are church members. Mr. Anthony has been in the
mercantile business since 1880, also owning a drug store at Durhamville. He
has been quite successful for a young man, doing the largest business of his
town. He is a Democrat, but takes no active interest or part in politics.
Mr. Anthony is well known and has the esteem of all.
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN