Alsobrook, Simmons D.
Simmons D. Alsobrook (deceased) was born in Edgecombe County, N.C., June 17,
1830, and was the youngest of two sons and three daughters born to Micajah and
Chloe (Simmons) Alsobrook. His father was born in North Carolina and came to
Tennessee in 1836, settling for a short time in Hardeman County, then moved to
Lauderdale County, where he remained until his death August 29, 1856. Our
subject was raised and educated in the county and made farming his chief
occupation. Mr. Alsobrook served eight months in the Confederate Army. He
was married in Lauderdale County, February 2, 1859, to Miss Susan C. Soward.
Five sons and two daughters were born to this marriage: James L., Robert L.,
William M., Marian Estelle, Alner L., Vivian C. and Roie S. Mrs Alsobrook was
born in Lauderdale County, April 6, 1839. Mr. Alsobrook stands well in his
county, and after serving as deputy sheriff for two years was elected sheriff,
and on the first day of November, after the election, he was shot and killed
on the streets while in the discharge of his official duties. This tragedy
was a shock to the community in which he lived, and to his bereaved family,
and created a strong desire in the minds of the citizens to see justice
administered to the assassin commensurate with the crime, and before day the
murderer was hung and riddled with bullets. Rev. Joseph H. Borum, in writing
on the subject of his death, said: “As a husband, he had few if any superiors;
as a father, tender and loving; as a church member, faithful — these,
altogether, made him a worthy citizen.”
Goodspeed’s Biographies of Lauderdale Co., TN