Some Wills from Lost Book B
Found and copied by

Researchers in Lauderdale County’s Will Books A & B may have noticed an appreciable gap in the dates between the two. That is a result of the original Book B’s having been lost so long ago that the next book was given that designation.

The County Clerk has the wills—they are just not recorded in a book. After checking the County Court Minutes for persons who were reported dead in that period, I found some, though probably not all, of them. My finds thus far are below:

Will of Amos Rounsaville
Know all persons by these presents that I Amos Rounsavill(e) of Williamson County Tennessee being in a low state of health & sensible of approaching Death deems it my duty to make known my desires as regards the distribution of my family and property. It is my last wish & desire that a sufficiency of my personal property be sold to pay all my just debts, the balance both personal & real to be kept together for the use & benefit of my dear wife and children & under her control during her natural life, & it is further my wish & desire that she will keep our children together & educate them until they become of age or capable to manage to take care for them selves, and it is further my last will & desire, that after the Death of my wife Elizabeth that all the property both personal and Real that it shall be eaqually divided among my children.
Given under my hand and seal this 20th of September 1820
A Roundsville
Sevier Drake

on back
State of Tennessee
Lauderdale County Court March Session 1840
this day the within last Will and Testament of Amos Rounsaville was produced in open Court and proven by the Oaths of Stith Richardson and William Walpole and is ordered to be recorded
Test                                             G. L. Rutherford, Clerk

The last Will & Testament of Amos Rounsaville Dec'd

State of Tennessee
Davidson County

Personally appeared before me William I/J Drake an acting justice of the peace for said County Benjamin C. Drake & Blount W. Drake and made oath that Sevier Drake who was a subscribing witness to the Will made by A. Rounsaville dec'd is dead, that they have seen said Drake write and that they believe his name was written by himself and is in his own hand writing  Given under my hand and seal this 14th day of February 1840. Sworn to and subscribed before me.        
Wm. I/J Drake, J.P.
B.W. Drake
B. C. Drake

Will of Henry R. Chambers

In the name of God Amen.
I Henry R. Chambers of Lauderdale County and State of Tennessee being of Sound mind and memory knowing it is Apointed for all men to die--I do make and publish this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and making void All other wills by me at any time made.

1st I recommend my Soul to God who gave it And as to my worldly property I will it Disposed of in the following manner (to wit)

1st I Direct that my funel [sic] expenceses[sic] and all my debts be paid as soon after my Death as Possible out of any moneys that I may be possesed of or may first come into the hands of my Executors.

2nd I give and bequeath to my wife Martha H. Chambers all of the worldly Estate of whitch I am or may be possesed of at my Death Except two of my Negro boys (to wit) Frank and William Miles

Frank I gave to my Nefphew [sic] Henry Pillow

William Miles I gave to Tully Lee Witter my adopted Son but (interlined)he is to remain with my wife till Son Tully Lee Witter is twenty one years of age in case of his death he is to be placed in the hands of gardi___

Lastly I do herby nominate and appoint Henry Franklin Rutherford Executor and my wife Martha H. Chambers Executix

In witness wherto set my hand and seal to this my will
this 12th day of July 1842
H. R. Chambers {Seal}
Signed Sealed and published in our presence and we have subscribed our names here to
(On back) In the presence of the testater
this 12th day of July 1842
Owen R. Willis
Samuel (his +mark) Hooper

State of Tennessee } Personally appeared in open
Lauderdale County} Court Samuel Hooper one of the subscribing Witnesses to the within Last will and testament of Henry Chambers deceased who being first sworn deposes and says that he saw him sign seal and publish the same as his last will and testament and that he subscribed the same as a witness in the testators presence and William Pillow being first sworn in open Court deposes and says that he saw the said Henry R. Chambers sign seal and Execute the within for his last will and testament.
Ordered that the same be admitted of Record and that Henry F. Rutherford & Martha H. Chambers the Executor and Executrix therein named have Letters testamentary on entering into bond with security and qualifying according to law. Witness my [sic] Isaac M. Steele clerk of said Court this 5th day of Sept 1842 Isaac M. Steele Clk

Will of Matthew Porter

I Matthew Porter of the County of Lauderdale and State of Tennessee having volunteered to serve during the War with Mexico and calling to mind the uncertainty of life particularly to those engaged in military duty do make and publish this my Last will and Testament.

First, I direct that all my just debts be paid out of any money that I may die possed [sic] of or that may first come into the hands of my Executor.

Secondly, I give and bequeath to my sister Mary E. Richardson the following negroes (to wit) John aged twenty years, Betty aged forty years (Tilla aged sixty) Virginia aged three years; and Emma aged two years. To her sole use, benefit, and behoof subject in no way to the debts dues Liabilities or Contracts of her husband Henry H. Richardson or any future husband that she may hereafter marry.

I do hereby make ordain and appoint Isaac M. Steele Executor to this my Last will and Testament, In witness where of I Matthew Porter the said Testator have to this my will set my hand and seal this 4th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty seven.
Signed, sealed, published   }      Matthew Porter {Seal}
and declared as the last      }
will and Testament of        }
Matthew Porter in presence}
of us who have thereto       }
subscribed our names         }
in the presence of and        }
at the request of the           }
Testator                              }
J. A. Lackey [probably the scribe]
Isaac M. Steele
G.L. Rutherford

Page 2
Isaac M. Steele exr of
Matthew Porter Decd     }    Issue of
vs                                    }    Divesavit ver non
Benjamin T. Porter         }

This day came the parties by their attornies, and thereupon came a Jury of good and lawful men to wit Benjamin F. Boydston, Sylvanus M. Sweet, Samuel A. Thompson, James Hubbard, James Soward, Milton F. Lake, James H. Given, Samuel S. Gause, Edwin H. Hinton, James Gillaspee, Miles D. Webb, Joshua R. Stone, who being elected tried and Sworn to try the issue joined upon their oaths do say that the paper writing submitted to them is the last will and testament of Matthew Porter Dec'd.
It is therefore considered by the court that the plaintiff recover of the defendant his cost about his suit expended, and that he have his execution.
It is further ordered by the court that, the Clerk of this Court, certify to the Clerk of the County Court of Lauderdale County, the proceeding had herein and that said will be admitted to probate by said County Court.

State of Tennessee }
Lauderdale County  } I Wm. C. Fain clerk of the circuit court of said County do hereby certify, that the forgoing is a full true and perfect transcript of the proceeding had in the cause heretofore prosecuted and determined therein, between Isaac M. Steele Exr of Matthew Porter Decd Plaintiff and Benjamin T. Porter Defendant, as the same remains of record in said Court. Witness my (Page 3) hand at office in Ripley the 4th day of March A. D. 1850, and seventy fourth year of of [sic] the Independance of the United States of America       (signed) Wm. C. Fain, Clerk

Will of John Russell

In the name of God, Amen. I John Russell of the County of Lauderdale and state of Tennessee impressed with the shortness of life and the certainty of death, and being of sound and disposing mind do declare the following to be my last Will and Testament, Viz.
1st In the first place, it is my will and desire that my Executor herein after named shall pay all my funeral expenses and all my just debts.
2ndly I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Nancy Russell, all my Estate, both real and personal, after the payment of my debts, so long as she may live, and in case of her marrying after my death, I desire that my Executor shall keep secure from waste or being spent the whole of said property for the comfortable support and maintainance of my said wife during her natural life.
3rdly I desire, after the death of my said wife Nancy Russell that all the property of my Estate which she may leave at her death be sold by my Executor on a credit of Twelve months, and the proceeds divided among my relations, as the law directs.
4thly I desire that my friend Henry F. Rutherford will act as my Executor, and do hereby nominate constitute and appoint him as my Executor, hereby revoking all wills before made and declaring this to be my last will. In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand & seal 1st day of April 1845
Signed sealed and acknowledged        Jno Russell {Seal}
in the presence of us
Stith Richardson (probably the scribe)
Zachariah Mitchell
Caleb W. Anderson

[Russell's signature appeared to be that of a very sick man]

Will of David Williams

December the 17th 1844
State of Tennessee}
Lauderdale County }
Be it nown [sic] to all it may consern [sic] that I do this day make my last will and testamoney
Firstly I do will that all my lawful dets be pade
2ly I do will seventy five Acres of land where I now live to my wife Elizabeth during her lifetime or widohood
3ly all my stock of horses cows and hogs allso all my hous hold and kitchen furniture ther to be sold at her deth or mariage and one hundred dollers to be given to each one of the girls Sarah Rebecca Jane and Tempy Caterine the balence to be devided among all the Children.
4ly I do will to my son Allen fifty Acres of land lying on the east boundery of the tract on which I now live runing with the North and south line as fare as Kane creek
5ly I do will to my son Wm. Nuten Fifty Acres of land on the South boundry of the track on which I now live on the South of cane creak

6ly I do will that after my son Geore Pinckney have after he arrives at twenty one years of age to have the benafit of the cullavation of twenty five acres on the seventy five Acres which I have left my wife Elizabeth and at her deth or mariage to have the seventy five Acres on which I now live.
7ly I do will that my track of land lying on the Fulten road containing one hundred and eleven acres to be sold or rented and the proseeds to go to the benafit of the familey. If thar should be other property to pay my debts if not it to go to pay my debts.
8thly I do apoint Daniel Williams and James Gillespie my execeters
Witnes wheronto I have set my hand and seal in presence of these witnesses the day and date above mentioned
George R. Williams [probably the scribe]                       
David Williams {Seal}
John Corley

State of Tennessee }
Lauderdale County   }   County Court January Term 1845
this day the last will and testament of David Williams deceased (which is the within named will) was presented to court here and was proven by George R. Williams one of the subscribing witnesses
A copy Test L. M. Campbell Clerk

State of Tennessee} County Court
Lauderdale County } February Term 1845
This day a paper writing purpoting to be the last will and testament of David Williams deceased (which is the within will) was presented to court here for probate - whereupon John Corley the other subscribing witness came into Court and being duly sworn deposes and says that David Williams the deceased signed and acknowledged the same in his presence and that he believes the said Testator was of sound and disposing mind and memory and that he signed his name as witness in the presence of said Testator
A Copy Test     L. M. Campbell   Clerk

[On back] David Williams Last Will and Testament

The Last Will and Testament of Saml. V. Gilliland
Probate Minute Book B. page 63

The Last Will and Testament of Samuel V. Gilliland of Lauderdale County & State of Tennessee, considedering the uncertainty of Life & the certinty of death, And being of sound mind & memory Amain,
I do make & publish this my Last will & Testament in maner & form as follows to wit,
first I consign my body to the dust from whence it sprang, and my soul to that God who give it existance,
Item, I will first that all my just debts be paid out of debts due to me, in notes & c.
Item, I will & request that my Loving Brothers, John & David & sister Elenor Eliza continue to live togeather & retain in their possession all the property I now have during their natural lives & their children after them if the [sic] should have any, but if they should die childless, the ballence not otherwise dissposed of as hereinafter, I order and direct that it may be devided equaly share & share alike between the children of Sisters, Ann, Jane, Sarrah, Mary & Moriah Lavenia having received her proportion as death appar by a/c rendered against her Husband Thomson
Further I will and bequeath to my Brother John in money or notes one thousand Dollars, Also to Brother David if he will release his claim to the whole concerne the sum of two thousand Dollars & the negro boy Giles Also to sister Elenor E the sum of one thousand Dollars togeather with my negro woman Sarah & her children all the houshold furniture, and further that all the above sums may be taken in property now held by me, this clause is on condition & provided in case a seperation should take place (Page 2) or they cease to live togeather as hearetofore, except David whose claim is in consideration of as above stated,
And further I do hereby appoint my loving Brothers John & David my Executors of this my last will & testement with full power to sell & convey any property (not herein specefied) from time to time as they may think proper either at publick or private sale.
I therfor hereby revoke all former wills by me made in witness whereoff I have hereunto set my hand & afixed my seal this 1st day of Aprile 1836
Saml. V. Gilliland
Signed seled & published declared & c by the above named Samuel V. Gilliland to be his Last will & testament in preasence of us who at his request & in his preasence have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto                 
John Blackwell
James W.Cheek
___W. Cole
R. H. MGaughey
Carter Whitson
William Calhoon
(Page 3) State of Tennessee }County Court April
     Session 1845

Lauderdale County           } Be It Remembered that on the 7th day of April A D 1845 the foregoing last will and testament of Samuel V. Gilliland late of said county deceased was produced in open court for probate and thereupon Personally appeared in open court Carter Whitson one of the subscribing witnesses to said will who being first sworn deposes and says that Samuel V. Gilleland the testator signed and published the same as his last will and testament that he was of sound and disposing mind and memory and that he subscribed his name as a witness to said will in the presence of said testator and at his request and also in the presence of John Blackwell, James W. Cheek, John McCall, R. H. McGaughey and William Calhoon who also subscribed the same as witnesses in the presence and the request of the testator and further that since attesting said Will said John Blackwell James W. Cheek and William Calhoon have departed this life, and that the said John McCall hath removed beyond the limits of the state of Tennessee and that the said R. H. McGaughy hath removed from Lauderdale County. Whereupon it is considered that said will is proved and is approved and allowed as the last will and testament of said Samuel V. Gilliland and ordered to be recorded and certificate of probate Granted.

Test         L. M. Campbell    Clerk of the County Court of Lauderdale County

William Omohundro Will
Recorded in Book B, p. 98, 99 & 100
Att. L. M. Campbell
Clerk Cty Crt L. Cty

The last will and testament of William Omohundro of Lauderdale county State of Tennessee.
I William Omohundro considering the uncertainty of this life, and being of sound mind and memory, (thank God for the same) do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner & form following (To wit) Item 1st I give and bequeath to my son Thomas W. Omohundro one naked bed and low bedsted & some two or three quilts or Rugs that are some what worn, with all the remainder of my house hold & kitchen furniture that is not given to others.

Item 2nd I give & bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth M. Ashlin one large Trunk, & one Truckle beadstead

Itemn 3rd I give & bequeath to my daughter Harriet B. Oliver one large Pot & pot hooks, one pot rack one judgment in Esqr Keneley's docket for about seventy dollars against William M. Omohundro except five dollars out of which I give to my son Wm. M. Ohohundro.

Item 4th I give & bequeath to my son James M. Omohundro one Bead without any furniture.

(Page 2) Item 5th I give & bequeath to my Son William M. Omohundro five dollars out of a judgment I have against him on Esqr. Keneley's docket for about Seventy dollars.

Item 6th I give & bequeath to my daughter Mary E. Omohundro one curtain beadstead with bead & all the remainder of the bead clothes that is not given to Thos. W. Omohundro, and all claims, dues & demands due me of whatsoever kind, and all property & interest in property of every kind whatever that I now hold or claim (except what is given to others) after paying all my just debts & c.

I hereby appoint William B. Sawyer & Henry F. Rutherford my whole & sold executors of this my last Will and Testament; hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty second day of October eighteen hundred and forty six
Wm. Omohundro {Seal}
Signed, Sealed & declared by the above named William Omohundro to be his last will & Testament in the presence of us; who at his request and in his presence, have subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto     Teste     Wm. Richardson
                                   William J. Pitts

State of Tennessee     County Court February Term 1847
Lauderdale County      This day the within paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Wm. Omohundro dec'd late of said County was presented to the Court here for probate Whereupon Wm. Richardson a subscribing witness thereto came into court and being first duly sworn deposes and says that he was personally acquainted with the Testator Wm. Omohundro at the time of his death and that he signed sealed and declared the aforesaid paper writing to be his Last Will & Testament in his presence on the twenty second day of October 1846 and that he signed his name as a witness thereto in the presence of and at the request of the said Testator & further the[sic] he saw Wm. J. Pitts the other subscribing witness to said paper writing sign his name as a witness thereto in his presence and in the presence of and at the request of the Testator on the day and date aforesaid. Whereupon it is considered by the Court that the aforesaid paperwriting is proved approved and confirmed as the last Will and Testament of the said William Omohundro deceased and ordered to be recorded.

A copy from the minutes of said Court Book B. folio
Attest L.M. Campbell Clerk
Cty Court of Lauderdale Cty.

The last will and testament of Samuel Owens of the county of Lauderdale in the State of Tennessee.

Item, I give all my estate both real and personal to Thomas Owen Senr, Thomas Owen Jr., George W. Young and James C. Coggeshall, to them their heirs executors administrators and assigns forever, IN TRUST NEVERTHELESS to for and upon the several uses trusts, intents and purposes and subject to the several provisoes, powers, and limitations hereinafter mentioned, limited expressed and declared of and concerning the same, in this my last will and testament, That is to say, in trust - after my debts shall be paid by my executors hereinafter named, that my estate be kept together, and that my wife Melissa Owen, should she continue to remain my widow, be permitted to manage and control the same and to take and receive all the interest profits and produce to arise, be had, or made out of my estate, for the purpose of maintaining herself, as well as, maintaining and educating my children, in such manner as she in her judgment and discretion shall see fit, without being accountable to them or any one for the same, up to the period when either of my children samuel P owen, or Judith P owen should marry or attain their twenty first year of age, But in case my wife Melissa Owen should marry prior to either of my children's marrying or attaining their twenty first year of age, then in further trust, that the said trustees Thomas Owen senr, Thomas Owen Jr., George W. Young and James C. Coggeshall their (Page 2) heirs, executors administrators or assigns, divide my estate so as to place in the possession of my wife Melissa Owen the one third part or portion thereof, subject to her management, control, and discretion, that she may take and receive all the interest profits and produce to arise be had or made out of the same, to enure to her own exclusive benefit for and during the period of her natural life, so as to be in no wise subject, to the debts, contracts, or engagements of her husband, and from and immidiately [sic] after her death, then in further trust, for my children Samuel P Owen and Judith P Owen, should they survive her as tenants in common, or in case of the death of either of my children, then in trust for the survivor, my son samuel P owen to receive his portion freed and discharged of all further trusts whatever, in fee simple, and my daughter Judith P Owen receiving her portion subject to the trusts, uses, intents and purposes and subject to the trust, uses, intents and purposes and subject to the several provisoes powers and limittions hereinafter mentioned limited expressed and declared of and concerning the same.
And in further trust, that when my son samuel P owen married or attains his twenty first year of age that he receive the one other third part or portion of my estate which I desire should be divided and set apart tohim by my said Trustees their heirs administrators executors or assigns, to whom I give devise and equeath the same to him and his heirs in fee simple freed and discharged from all further trusts (Page 3) whatever, But in case my son samuel P Owen died prior to his marrying or attaining his twenty first year of age, leaving his sister Judith P. Owen surviving him, then and in that case in further trust that the third of my estate thus intended as aforesaid for my son samuel P Owen on his attaining his twenty first year of age or at the period of hismarriage, should be held in further trust for my daughter Judith P Owen until she marry or attain her twenty first year of age at which period my will and desire is that she be put in possession, by my said trustees their executors administrators heirs or assigns ofthe one third of my estate thus refered[sic] to, to whom I give the same subject to such uses trusts intents and purposes and to the several provisoes powers and limitations hereinafter mentioned limited expressed and declared of and concerning the same.
But in case my son samuel P owen die prior to his marrying or attaining his twenty first year of age not leaving his sister Judith P Owen living to survive him at his death, then and in that case in further trust for the heirs of my son samuel P owen on his Father's side to whom I give devise and bequeath the same freed and discharged from all further trusts whatever,

And in further trust, that when my daughter Judith P Owen marries or attains her twenty first year of age that the remaining third part or portion of my estate be by my said trustees their heirs (Page 4) executors administrators or assign, placed in her possession to whom I give devise and bequeath the same, subject to such uses trusts,intents and purposes and to the several provisoes powers and limitations hereinafter mentioned limited expressed and declared of and concerning the same, that is to say, in trust that she receive all the interest profits and produce that may be made out of the same for her support and maintenance, to be in no wise subject to the debts contracts or engagements of any husband she may marry, But in case my daughter Judith P owen marry, and then die, leaving a child or children surviving her, then and in that case, I give devise and bequeath the one third of my estate, thus devised off and put in the possession of my daughter Judith P owen (giving her the income profits and products of the same as bequeathed to her as aforesaid), to such child or children as tenants in common if more than one in fee simple freed and discharged from all further trusts whatever, But in case my daughter Judith P owen attain her twenty first year and continue to remain unmarried up to her decease, or should she marry, and have neither child or children, the issue of said marriage surviving her at her decease, then and in either of the enumerated cases contained in this clause of my will as aforesaid, it is my will and desire that my said (Page 5)daughter Judith P owens have the power of appointment, and I do hereby in this my last will and testament confer the same upon her, by her last will and testament duly executed, to give bequeath and devise the one third portion of my estate thus directed to be set apart to her and put in her possession by my said trustees their heirs executors administrators or assigns, together with any further portion of my estate which she may at any future time become entitled to by virtue of this my last will and testament under its several clauses which is subject to such uses trusts intents and purposes and to the several provisoes powers and limitations hereinafter to be declared mentioned limited and expressed of and concerning the same, as she in her judgment and descretion may see proper in fee simple or otherwise freed and discharged from all further trusts by me created in this my last will and testament whatever.
But in case of her failure to make and duly execute such last will and testament whereby the uses trusts intents purposes and the provisoes powers and limitations will not have been declared mentioned limited and expressed of and concerning the same, then and in that case (Page 6) in further trust to the heirs of my daughter Judith P Owen by her Father's side in fee simple to whom my said trustees their heirs Executors administrators or assigns will deliver over the same freed and discharged from all further trusts whatsoever.

Item I give devise and bequeath the following specific legacies, to my son Samuel P Owen I give the slave Richard as a body servant, in fee simple to have the possession of my said slave Richard from and immediately after the probate of my will; that he may train him to suit himself, also my shot gun, watch revolving pistol and historical library.
to my daughter Judith P Owens I give my servant Eliza Ann in fee simple to have possession of her from the probate of my will that she may train her to suit herself.
to my wife Melissa Owens I give my religious library.
It is my will and desire that no inventory be taken of my estate after my decease and that my executors hereinafter named be not required to enter into any security whatever for their administration of my estate and I do hereby constitute and appoint my friends Thomas Owen Senr, Thomas Owen Junr, George W. Young and James C. Coggeshall executors of this my last will and testament.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty third day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty five

Signed sealed published
and declared as and for
the last will and testament              Samuel Owen (Seal)
of the above named
Samuel Owen in the presence
of us
James Byars, Jr.
Thos. R. Tuggle
Thos. E. Noel  

The last will and testament of Samuel Owen
Probate Minute Book B Pages 112-113 Aug Term 1847
Att. L. M. Campbell Clerk
Recorded Inventory Book B Pages 19-114  Att. L.M. Campbell Clerk

Last Will & Testament of
Josias M. Chambers

Recorded Book B pp. 105-6
probate minute Book B p. 103
Att. L. M. Campbell Clk

The last will and testament of Josias M. Chambers
I Josias M. Chambers do make and publish this my last will and Testament (Being of sound mind & memory Thank God for the same) in manner and form as follows

Item 1st I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife sarah C. Chambers all this tract of land on which I now live one Black horse all the house hold and kitchen furniture and farming utensils one red cow & yearling all my corn now on hand, all my stock hogs and seven head of pork hogs (and to feed all the other hogs untill the 15th of November & other stock until sold) [this added between lines as an afterthought] one negro Girl & her increase, during her life time and then to my little Daughter Mary Jane, in case it should die before my wife then at the death of my wife the above property to be equally divided between my Brothers & sisters & my wifes Brothers and sisters

Item 2nd I give and bequeath unto my Brother John G. Chambers all my Interest in the tract of land on which my mother now lives.

Item 3rd I give and bequeath unto my mother my Rifle gun.

Item 4th I hereby appoint my Brother James H. Chambers & William B. Sawyer my Executors to this my last will and Testament, who are to sell or dispose of all the remainder of my property to the best advantage and When they think best, to satisfy all my debts and all other just charges & c. In witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal This fifth day of march Eighteen hundred and forty seven
Josias M. Chambers {seal}

signed sealed and declared by the above named Josias M. Chambers to be his last will & testament in the presence of us, who at his request &in his presence have subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto.                         Test
Richard Carnall
Laban Jones
P. S. The above interlining was done before the will was signed
R. C.
L. J.

I Josias M. Chambers add the following to my will.
Item 5th It is my wish and desire that my wife Raise and educate my daughter free of charge and take care of her until she shal marry or die & C
Test}  Laban Jones
Richard Carnall

State of Tennessee}   County Court May session 1847

Lauderdale County     This day the within paper writing purporting to be the last will & Testament of Josias M. Chambers dec'd late of said Cty. was presented to the court here for probate. Whereupon came into court Richard J. Carnall and Laban Jones subscribing witnesses thereto who being first duly sworn depose & say that they were acquainted with the testator Josias M. Chambers and that he acknowledged the aforesaid paper writing in their presence to be his last will & testament together with the codicil thereto annexed & that they subscribed their names to the same as witnesses there to in the presence of & at the request of the testator on the 5th day of March 1847 and that at the time aforesaid the said Testator was of sound & disposing mind & memory Whereupon it is considered by the court that the said Paper writing including the codicil is proved approved and confirmed as the Last will & testament of the said Josias M. Chambers decd & ordered to be recorded
A true copy from the minuts of said Court
Minute Book B p. 103
Att. L. M. Campbell Clerk

Will Nelson Reynolds
The last will and Testament of Nelson Reynolds. I Nelson Reynolds bing[sic] of sound mind & memory do make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner & form as follows
To wit, Item 1st I give and bequeathe to my nephew William Reynolds fifty dollars.
Item 2nd I wish all my just debts to be paid out of my estate & c.

Item 3rd I give and bequeathe to my beloved wife Jane Reynolds all the remainder of my property both personal and real estate (after the legacy above named, and all my debts are paid) so long as she remains my widow, whom I also herreby [sic] appoint sole executrix of this my last will and testament; hereby revoking all other wills made by me. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal. The 30th day of October 1848
Nelson (his + mark) Reynols[sic] {seal}
William Owens [name marked out]
Witness Wm. B. Sawyer [who probably wrote it]
       Benjamin Owen

On back) Joseph Murphy's Last Will & Testament

I, Joseph Murphey, of the county of Lauderdale State of Tennessee, do make and publish this, my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making [in]valid all former wills by me at any time heretofore made:
As to such wordly [sic] estate as it hath pleased God to intrust me with, I dispose of the same as follows:
First I direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon after my decease as possible, out of any moneys that I may die possessed of, or may first come into the hands of my executrix from any portion of my estate real or personal.
Secondly, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Frances J. Murphey all my estate real and personal whether in ossession reversion or remainder for and during her natural life or during her widowhood.

Thirdly, I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Ann Damon on the death of my wife or at the expiration of her widowhood my negro Slave named Betsey to have said negro Slave Betsey during her natural life to her proper use and benefit free from the control of her present or any future husband and also free from the contracts and debts of her present husband or any future husband whether said contracts or debts may have been entered into heretofore or may hereafter be entered into and at her deth the said negro slave with her increase aftercoming into the possession of her the said Ann Damon to go to the heirs of her the said Ann (Page 2)Damon born of her body.

Fourthly I give and bequeath to my beloved son William P. Murphey at the death of my wife or at the expiration of her widowhood my negro boy Grandison a Slave for life to him and to his--heirs and to his heirs—[that lined through] forever.
Fifthly: I give and bequath[sic] to my beloved son John M. Murphey at the death of my wife or at her marriage my negro boy slave named Sandy to him and to his heirs forever.

Sixthly: I give and bequeath to my beloved son Samuel R. Murphey at the death of my wife or at her marriage my negro girl slave Catharine to him and to his heirs forever.
Seventhly It is my will and desire and I hereby bequeath the issue and increae of my negro girl Betsy Slave before the death or marriage of my wife to be equally divided between my four before named children. I further give and bequeath my tract of land whereon I now reside to be equally divided at the death or marriage of my wife between my four above mentioned children

Lastly I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Frances J. Murphey my negro Slave Dice to her and I nominate constitute and appoint my beloved wife the said Frances J. Murphey sold Executrix of this my last will and testament and my will and desire is that my said Executrix shall not be required to give security.
In Witness whereof  I, Joseph Murphey, the said testator, have to this, my last will and testa(Page3) ment, written on one sheet of paper, set my hand and seal this 27th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three
signed, sealed and
published in the presence
of us, who have subscribed     Joseph (his x mark) Murphey{Seal}
in the presence of the testa
tor and of each other

John Watson [probably the scribe]
Edwin Williams

State of Tennessee     County Court
Lauderdale County        December Session 1843

this day a paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Joseph Murphey deceased was produced in open court and thereupon Personally appeared in open court John Watson and Edwin Williams subscribing witnesses thereto who being first sworn depose and say that they saw the said Joseph Murphey sign and publish the same as his last will and testament and that they subscribed the same as witnesses and at his request & in his presence and that they believe that he was of sound and disposing mind and memory. Whereupon it is ordered that said will be admitted of record. Witness Isaac M. Steele, Clerk of said court at office the 4th day of December A. D. 1843   Isaac M. Steele, Clerk

Will of James Salisbury
I James Salisbury considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound mind and memory (thank God for the same) do make and publish this his last will and Testament in word and form following (To wit)
Item 1st I give and bequeath unto my five minor hires (to wit) Mary Ann, Sarah, James, Catherine
& Francis M. Salisbury fifty dollars cash or its equivalent in a horse as the case may be to be paid to them soon after my death or when my beloved wife and Exer may think proper or as they should need it, to make them equal with my to oldest sons Michael & William Salisbury to each of them I have given a mare worth fifty dollars.
Item 2nd I give and bequeath to my son Noah Salisbury five dollars which will make his horse
 that I gave him equal to those of the two oldest.
Item 3rd It is my wish & desire that my Executors advertise and sell as much of my surplus stock & C as will pay all my debts & C and no more.
Item 4th I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary Ann Salisbury all the remainder of my
            personal and real estate during her life time or remains my widow.
Item 5th It is my wish and desire that when my widow shall marry or at her death that all my real
and personal estate be equally divided between all of my either children (to wit) Michael, William, Noah, Mary Ann, Sarah, James, Catharine & Francis M. Salisbury.
Item 6th I hereby appoint my beloved wife & my son William Executors to this my last will and
testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In witness whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal, the twenty first day of February eighteen hundred & forty seven.
James Salisbury   {Seal}

Signed, sealed and declared by the above named James Salisbury to be his last will and testament in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence have subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto.
Wm B. Sawyer
_______ Patton

Will of Henry Rutherford
I Henry Rutherford of the State of Tennessee and county of Lauderdale being of sound mind and memory in propotion to age, Blessed be God for his mercies Beleiving that Life is uncertain, and death certain, do this the fourteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and forty six make and publish this instrument of writing my last will and testament in the manner and form following (To wit)
First: I give and recommend my immortal Soul to Almighty God who give it.
Second: I give my body to the Earth to be decently enterred at the discretion of my Friends.
Third: as to what worldly property God In his providence has been pleased to put me in
possession of and not disposed of I give and bequeath to my grand daughter Fredonia A. Ury, the tract of land or its valure if sold whitch Edward Hennely [Kennely?] as a lessor lived on estimated at two hundred & forty six acres.
What other property I may at death be possessed of I give and bequeat(h) to my son Henry F. Rutherford who I hereby constitute and appoint my sole heir & executor to execute this my last will & testament according to the true intent and meaning thereof, in testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal the day & year above writing [sic].
Signed Sealed & Acknowledged                    H. Rutherford {Seal}
In the presence of                                          Wm. P. Pillow
                                                                      H. C. Pillow

State of Tennessee }   County Court June Term 1847
Lauderdale County}   Be it remembered that on this 7th day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and forty seven the within last Will and testament of Henry Rutherford late of Lauderdale County deceased, was produced in open court for probate; and thereunpo personally appeared in open court William P. Pillow and Henry C. Pillow subscribing witnesses to said will who being first sworn depose and say that Henry Rutherford the Testator acknowledged and published the same as his last will & Testament in their presence, that he was of sound and disposing mind & memory at the time of making & publishing the same and said witnesses, the said William P. Pillow and Henry C. Pillow, subscribed their names as witnesses to said Last Will & Testament in the presence of the Testator and at his request and also in the presence of each other. Whereupon it is considered that said will is proved & is approved and allowed as the last Will & Testament of said Henry Rutherford & ordered to be recorded in Will Book & certificate of probate granted.
            A copy from the minutes of said Court Minute Book B, p. 105
                                                           Att. L. M. Campbell, Clerk

End of "Some Wills of the Lost Book B"

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