Extracts of Will Book A (1837-1844)
abstracted by

Most Lauderdale Countians in this early period died without wills. However, records of many intestates appear in Will Book A. When the death of a property owner who left no will was reported at a meeting of the County Court, the Court named an administrator of the estate--very often a relative. Soon afterward the administrator would file an inventory of the property of the deceased and would hold a sale. The Will Book records those sales and shows who bought each item and the price that was paid. This abstract, however, names only groups of items; for example, we say "farm animals" instead of describing each horse and cow as the inventory and/or sale report would do. We list the buyers because they often include relatives, neighbors, and possible in-laws although we don't show what they bought.

Persons who died leaving a will (testate) usually named an executor in the will, and after the will had been proved at a meeting of the County Court and the executor had been approved and bonded, the executor frequently had a sale and the results of the sale were often entered in the Will Book, too.

The names of buyers were often written hastily and incorrectly, and though we made our best effort to decipher the clerk's entries, the successful researcher may need to use some imagination. We assume no responsibility for errors--either those of the clerks or of our own.

p. 1 - Sept. 1837 - Bazle Billingsly, adm. of estate of Lewis MATTHEWS, dec'd, returned record of sale on 10 July 1837. Buyers include: Ruthy Matthews, Christopher Watson, D. Jennings, E. Farmer, Nicholas Reynolds, Soloman D. Spain, G. W. Tatum, Bazle Billingsly, Wiley Voss, Jerry Cheek, Jas. H. Johnson. Items sold were harness, farm animals, tools, housekeeping items, guns, tobacco, pocket compass, and books. G. W. Tatum bought a waggon for $103.00, the most expensive item. Ruthy Matthis, administratrix; Bazil Billingsley, administrator.
p. 2 - December 1837 - Thos. B. Stokes, admin. of estate of Wm. TERRELL, dec'd, returned inventory of estate which consisted of 77 1/2 cords of wood.
p. 3 - Inventory and sale on 8 Sept 1837 of estate of Saml. HOGSETTE, dec'd, filed by Isaac Braden & Wm. T. Morehead, admins., included farm animals, harness, housekeeping items (including a waffle iron), bed clothes, curtains, 4 acres of ground, and 1 "occupant" which sold for $165.00 (presumed to be something like squatter's rights on unclaimed land). Total of sales was $624.17; buyers were not listed.
p. 4 - Inventory of the personal estate of Francis NUNN, dec'd was reported by David Nunn, admin., on 6 Nov 1837 included 28 slaves, 9 of whom had been hired to Alfred Kennedy of Haywood Co., guns, farm animals and tools, books, furniture, household goods, and feed, in addition to notes, receipts, and accounts on the following: Redding Williams, Jonathan Thomas, John P. Perkins & John H. Nixon, Alexander Boyd, David Nunn, Seth Williams, Joseph Turnage, James Boyd, R. Henderson & Charles Howard, Nathan Ward, Wm. D. Dunlap, G. B. Holland, Berry & Amos Rounsaville, Abner Dodd & Wm. Dodd, Geo. Humphreys, John H. Halliburton, Smith Patterson, Theophilus Redditt, Robert Harricut, John B. & Oniecimus Fudge, Peyton Lytle, Jas. B. & John B. Campbell, Allen Furguson, James Chronest & Wm. J. Furgerson, John Wynn, Jas. Bilbro, H. R. & J. J. Crawford, Nashu Ward, Jonathan Thomas, Lewis Campbell, G. W. Jones, Allen A. Howard, H. L. Blackwell, Robert Busby, Leonard Dunevant, Saml. Lusk & Reuben Canady, James Wynn, Richard Hill, Robt. W. Goodman, Isaac M. Steel, L. A. Henry, Lewis W. Johnson, Allen Bethun, Robt. Noland, Bird S. Reed, Edward T. McKenzie, Wm. H. Carroll & W. Henry, George Wright, Bennet Griffith, Richard Campbell, Wm. Henry, R. W. May, John B. McCord, Eli Johnson, John Lee Witten, Wm. S. Read, Wm. S. Rounsaville, Willey Dodd, Alex Henry, Alfred Kennedy, James Johnson, G. B. Holland, Wm. Fox, Berry Williams, Thos. Busbee, Harris Coble, G. Hawkins, Ezekiel Farmer, Lewis Matthews, J. Jones, W. S. Read, John H. Nixon, Talton Harris, Robt. Hammil, Alexander Henry, Isaac Goodman, Curtis Ellis, Thos. J. Brown, Charles Howard, Geo. Humphreys, James Walpole, Eli Johnson, Foster Parker, John Russell, John & Hiram Daid (Dodd?), Oniecimus Fudge.
Buyers at the sales on 30 Nov 1837 and 15 Jan 1838 included: Leonard Dunevant, John Smith, Robt. Johnson, Allen H. Howard, Bowlin Fisher, Wm. Cowell, John H(alli)Burton, Wm. B. Sawyers, John Williams, Robt. Nowlin, Arthur Williams, Abraham Eason, Green B. Holland, Giles Hawkins, Claibourn Rounsaville, John Walpole, Thomas Vickers, John S. Moore, Harrad J. Anderson, Franklin Buck, E. D. Thurmond, Geo. Wright, Robt. Nolen, Benj. F. Fisher, H G. Thurmond, Samuel Stricklin, John G. Thurmond, Elija Chambers, Oneicimus Fudge, Wm. Elmore, Wiley Dodd, John L. Moore, Hardy L. Blackwell, Green B. Holland, John Reddit, Geo. Gregson, Simon R. Speight, Wm. Jordan, Thos. Denton, Thos. Vickers, Chas. Boyd, David Forehand, Fed Beasley, Thos. Pewitt, John P. Perkins, Wm. Espy, Stith Richardson, Robt. Anderson, L. M. Joiner, Abner Dodd, Hardy L. Blackwell, Henry W. Harwell, Thomas Jones, Green Freeman, John Russell, Thos. Flippin, Wm. B. Lea, John Benton, James Chambers, Thos. J. Brown, Thos. Brasefield, Wm. G. Brown, James H. Johnson, Allen J. Barbee, Wm. D. Cooper, Stephen Howard, John H. Mitchell, Henry R. Chambers, John McFarlin, H. H. Burton, Robt. C. Campbell, Chas. H. Boyd, Wm. A. Henderson, H. W. Harwell, Green Freeman, James Walpole, John Winn, Fredrick Beasly, Ewet Noel, Thos. Claybrook, Wm. W. Craig, Geo. F. Greyson, Andrew Warren, Asa Dean, A. P. Pool, Wm. Antwine, Wm. Bowen, Thos. Vickers, Felix Norman, Seth Williams, Wm. Burnet, Richard Brown, Hardy Blackwell, Abram Eason, Alpheus Whitley, Wm. Antwine, Jr., Benet Roberson, C. B. Harris, John Williams, Mansfield Ware, Joseph Turnage, Robt. Jennings, Da t Watson, Henry Edwards, Humphrey Reddick, B. N. Epperson, John W. Sanders, Nathan Ingram, and John Manning.
p. 17 - Inventory of estate of L(awson) A. HENRY, dec'd, (A. H. Pope, admin.) on 7 Oct 1837, included harness, furniture, tools, clothing, trunks, clock, feed, a map, and debts for tuition as though he had been a teacher. Buyers at sale included: Jane Henry, Wiley Voss, Ezekiel Farmer, and John Chapman, A. B. Gaines, James Shuman. Debts for tuition were due from: H. C. Keller, Isaac Braden, James Sherman, P. G. Gaines, Isaac Pinson, Lewis Matthews, Henry Murry, Wm. Braden, Wm. Lockard, Able H. Pope, Wm. P. Gaines, James Shuman, Richard Golden, Armstead Wood, Leroy Lockard, Geo. Ridde, Wm. Deceant, Joseph Wardlaw, E. P. Fullen, Milton Scott, James Whitson, Wm. Strain, Marian Chapman, L. A. Henry.
p. 19 - Inventory of estate of Sarah JOHNSON (James Givens, adm.) on 5 Feb 1838. Notes on: Samuel A. Givens, James H. Johnson, John McCall, Jessee R. Hutchinson, Henry Willard, Laz Imman, John Fletcher, John C. Nevels, Andrew Caplinger, Dr. Sullivan of Tipton Co.
p. 19 - Inventory of estate of A. W. KIDD, dec'd. (Nancy Kidd, admx.) on 2 April 1838 Notes: Dr. Lee, Phillip Tuggle, Coleman Hutchinson, J. M. Payne, Wm. McFarling, Henry Willard, Richard Moore, J. C. Barnes, T. J. Childress, I. J. Pinson.
p. 20 - Inventory of estate of Imry KELLER, dec'd (H. C. Keller, adm.) 7 May 1838 Notes, receipts, and accounts: John C. Barnes, Delphus Carrigan, John Walpole, Ezekiel Farmer, Richard Wright, Wm. P. Gaines, P. G. Gaines, Lewis Williams, Wm. I. Connerly, J. P. Fullen, J. R. Stone, Marshal A. Posey, Larkin Gaines, Michael Hamer, Iry Gaines, John N. McNary, John Pruden, Lawson A. Henry, Luke M. H is, Simeon Butler, Joshua R. Stone, H. C. Keller, D. P. Posey, Elie Groves, Burtis Alford, James Shuman.
p. 21 - An additional inventory of the estate of John INMAN, dec'd, (David Gilliland, adm.) for rent, cotton, and hogs, 4 June 1838: N. Reaves, David Gilliland, Elizabeth Payne.
p. 21 - Additional inventory, estate of Wm. L. BYLER, dec'd (David Gilliland, adm.) 2 July 1838 - Mrs. Byler bought seed cotton.
p. 21 - Sales of perishable property of estate of David PITCHFORD made on 8 June 1838 to Miles Wakefield, Ezekiel Wakefield, James B. and Jessee R. Hutchinson. Jessee R. Hutchinson, adm.
p. 22 - Inventory of estate of Joel J. REYNOLDS, dec'd, H. C. Keller, adm., included animals, farm tools, furniture, household goods, and a gun. Notes due from Saml. and Abner Harvey, . R. Meadows, Cane Acuff, W. M. Omohundro, Henry Reynolds, B. L. Wimbs, Joshua Right, G. W. Chism, Benjamin Nyen(Nearn?), Sarah Reynolds. 8 Sept 1838
p. 23 - 22 Aug 1838 - Will of Edmond P. LEE of Lauderdale Co.; to my daughter Marthay H. McNial, a slave girl named Ginny, a tract of 180 acres in Rutherford Co. whereon she lived in 1837, and no more; to my wife Susan Lee all my real and personal property. My wife is free to loan to my sister-in-law, Adeline R. Anderson, whom I have raised, and any of my children--Geo. M. Lee, Blair H. Lee, Judith F. Lee, Angeline Rebecka Lee, Susan Edmonia Lee, Hue W. Lee--any of my estate in her possession during her life after which it is to be returned and divided equally. /s/ E J P Lee Wit: Leonard Dunevant, Henery Sumerow. Proved Nov 1838 by both witnesses.
p. 25 - Jan 1839 - Inventory and sale of estate of Wm. JORDAN, dec'd, filed by Robt. Jordan, adm., included slave Ralph about 27 years, a life estate in 6 others (names not shown), half of 100 acres in 8th Dist., gun and saddle, horses (one named "Sir William"), 197 tier of cypress timber, cattle (two were angus), sheep, and corn; and notes on James Soward, Thos. J. Jordan, J. L. Green, Thos. & Wm. Nelson, R. J. Holbrook, P. W. Saunders, Wm. Miskelly, W. P. How, E. G. Strange, John B. Locke, John G. Thurmond, Samuel Stricklin, Matthew Brandon, H. R. Chambers, B. B. Watson, J. S. Brandon, L. Sh s, Lee H. Rucker, and Rutherford & Hubbard.
p. 27 - Jan 1839 - Inventory and sale of estate of Lewis WILLIAMS, dec'd, filed by P. G. Davenport, included household goods (most of which was bought by Z. Williams, probably his widow), rifle, saddle, bell, harness, tools, a pair of millstones, etc. Other purchasers were R. A. Braden, Mark Glidewell, A. J. Fullen, T. L. Clark, T. J. Childress, W. P. Gaines, Carter Whitson, Jacob Linville, A. H. Pope, P. G. Davenport, S. King.
p. 30 - March 1839 - Additional inventory of Stephen Blackwell, dec'd, included hire of negro man to M. R. Hatcher, rent of land to John H. Rudder and sale of negro Reubin to David Gilliland.
p. 30 - March 1839 - Sampson Smith and Margaret Bradford, guardians of the minor heirs of [Arnold] BURK, dec'd, presented to the court a statement from Wm. Smith, adm of A. Burk's estate. Listed were notes and receipts totalling $5429.74 on the following: Wm. & Jos. White, P. P. Collin & Alexander Smith; B. A. & W. Alford, Web & W. A. Claves, E. H.Rudder, A. Morehead & S. Rice, Smith Kent & S. Smith, A. Phillips & W. H. Fisher, P. B. Gunn, P. Evans & Jordan Brown, J. C. Barns, W. D. Cooper & Coleman Hall, Ivy Chandler, I. J. Pinson, Margaret Burk, J. C. Barnes, Jos. Barfield.

p. 32 - Feb 1839 - Inventory and sale of estate of Amos ROUNSVAILLE, dec'd, on 18 Jan 1839 filed by W. G. Rounsaville, adm., included farm tools, harness, carpenter tools, fodder and corn, hogs, variety of dishes, flatware, and glassware, a number of books, furniture, "bench & shoe tools," a clock, looking glass, pad lock, horses, and a wagon. Purchasers were: Z. Mitchell, Wm. Baxter, Wm. O Mohundro, Saml. Hooper, Claibourn Rounsaville, Henry Crihfield, Esqr., Jno. H. H(alli)Burton, John Russell, B. B. Watson, Orville Thurmond, Wm. M. Lee, Richard Dodd, Jno. Lee, G. L. Rutherford, Jas. R. Lee, Isaac M. Steele, Stith Richardson, Sanson H. Dunaway, James Salsberry, Allen H. Howard, Wm. S. Hammel, Wm. Walpole, Wm. Owen, Wm. Campbell, James Campbell, Freeman Johnson, John C. Crenshaw, James Oliver, John Dood, James Fort, E. Wright, H. F. Rutherford, John Aslan[Ashland?], Elizabeth Rounsaville; and notes and receipts for Jas. Blair, Nicholas Dilliard (now a citizen of Texas), Stump & Coxe, Louis Weedemeyer, Joel Rounsaville, Z. Mitchell, Claibourn Rounsaville, John Walpole, Jas. Day

p. 37 - April 1839 - Additional inventory of estate of Sarah JOHNSON, dec'd: hire of negro girls Jude, Mary, and Fanny, and rent of farm. Jas. H. Givens, adm.

p. 37 - April 1839 - Guardian report made by Gillie Hunter, gdn. of Wm. Hunter, a minor: hire of slave Bob.

p. 37 - 6 May 1839 - Inventory of estate of Benj. SMITH, dec'd, late of Brunswick Co., NC filed by Sam. Hankins, adm: "slaves, notes, accounts & Money - none."

p. 38 - 8 June 1838 - Inventory of estate of James CURTIS, dec'd filed by H. C. Keller for Sarah Curtis included notes on Dr. Wm. Lee, J. B. Hutchison, M. D. Wakefield, D. Pitsford, R. Moore, H. Willard, M. Fletcher, J. Wakefield, J. H. Given, J. R. Hutchinson, J. K. Goodwin, J. C. Barns, E. Farmer, A. Moss.

p. 39 - 20 April 1839 - Sale of estate of Joseph H. ADAMS, dec'd, filed by Henry Crihfield, adm., included household goods and furniture, tools, sheep, cattle, hogs, horses, farm equipment, etc., "Randolph tickets," and shin plasters. Buyers were Elizabeth Adams, Wm. Adams, Arthur Olds, Benj. Nearn, Henry A.G. Lee, Henry Crihfield, John Flippin, John Soward, Dr. P. W. Sanders, Stephen M. Sullivan, B. M. Flippin, Joseph Frost, Abraham Humble, Richard R. Watson, Gideon Olds, Joseph Ring, Abraham Humble. Also notes on Anthony Carl, James Pennel, Sydney Cooper, Gabriel A(name not understood) (sic).

p. 42 - June 1839 - Additional inventory of estate of Lewis MATTHEWS, dec'd, filed by Bazle Billingsley: notes on J. M. Rudder, B. Fisher, E. Matthews, I. Jones, D. Lofland, E. Farmer.

p. 42 - August 1839 - Inventory of personal estate of John LOCKARD, dec'd, filed by Leroy F. Lockard, adm., includes: two horses, farm tools, shoe tools, loom, furniture, guns, clock, books, saddles, cows, sheep, hogs, blacksmith tools, 200 tier of cypress timber, and notes on J.M.C. Robertson, Ezekiel Farmer, John McCall, James Cheek(?), John Chapman.
p. 44 - April 1840 - Inventory of estate of Samuel RUDDER, dec'd, filed by John Thompson, adm., include notes on Samuel Dunlap, John Buckhannon, Albert & J. Durham, Wm. J. Crocker, M. Cleaves, Ab. Pate, G. W. Tatum. M. G. Turner, Cyrus Webb, Micajah Webb, Wm. Calhoun, Joseph Taylor, Martin R. Hatcher, Wm. W. Curtis, John D. Carlton, Turner Sullivan, Adolphus Carrigan, E. H. Rudder, and hire of negroes Daniel, Rachel, and Martha.
p. 45 - 7 Dec 1839 - Estate sale of Mark GLIDEWELL, dec'd, filed by Thos. S. Clark, adm., included harness, tools, oxen, mill stones, a carryall, cookware, book, furniture, 400# seed cotton, fodder, corn, and a lease. Buyers included Mrs. Glidewell, Edmon Fitzpatrick, Talton Durham, W. Sanders, Wm. Matthews, D. M. Henning, David A. Bradford, Cyrus Webb, Jesse Glidewell, A. Phillips, Isaac D. Coachman.
p. 47 - April 1840 - Additonal inventory of Sarah JOHNSON's estate filed by James H. Givens, admin.: the hire of 3 negroe girls and rent for 1840.
p. 48 - 4 May 1840 - Report of E(dwin) Hinton as guardian of Mary E. Hinton, his own child, of her property in his hands: one negroe girl six years of age.
p. 48 - 4 May 1840 - Report of sale in January of Wm. FULLEN, dec'd, estate filed by John Fullen, adm. Buyers were Sarah Fullen, A. J. Fullen, Jno.M.C. Robertson, Edmund Nevils, D. M. Henning, P. G. Davenport, James Silvertooth, J. H. Cleaves, Margaret Prescot, A. M. Coas(?), A. W. Barnes; furniture, loom, cotton, smoothing iron, hogs, looking glass, clock, books, corn were among items sold.
p. 49 - Will - 16 May 1840 - Susan C. MARLEY: to daughter Melvina Marley, a good bed & furniture, half dozen dessert spoons; to son Josiah C. Marley half dozen large tablespoons; to eldest son James L. Foot(Fort?) 3 negroes--Edith, am & Susan--the tract of land on which I now live, on(e?) Castor(?) & half dozen teaspoons. After residue of estate is sold and debts paid, any surplus more than sufficient to make my son James L. Foot's estate equal with that left Josiah C. & Malvina from their father is to be shared equally. Executors: "my brother" H A G Lee and my friend Stith Richardson. Wit: E. H. Hinton, Henry Sumerow, Guilford Jones. Proved by all witnesses June 1840.
p. 51 - 6 July 1840 -Inventory of estate of Jno. FLIPPIN filed by Jno. L. Flippin, adm. includes notes and accounts on J. L. Flippin, L(or F). Flippin, Wm. Spence & J. Bo s, Wm. Adams, R. R. Watson & H. F. Rutherford, S. Richardson, S. Strickland, G. Olds, A. Humble, B. M. Flippin, John Barby, Thos. A. Flippin, John G. Thurmond, L. Dunavant, John Russell, E. D. Thurmond, E. Kenley, J. J. Willis, Joseph Frost, D. Kenley, R. P. Curren, Samuel Hankins, Wm. Misskelly, G. Olds, Henry Crihfield, Wm. S. Reed, G. L. Rutherford, H. Meazel, Joseph H. Adams. Purchasers at the sale on 1 May 1840 were: B. F. Flippin, A. Humble, Gideon Olds, H. F. Rutherford, Wm. Adams, Jno. L. Flippin, H. Crihfield, jr., S. Richardson, S. Hooper, Saml. Strickland, Wm. Spence, R. R. Watson. Items included pewter, crockery, furniture, a clock, setting chairs, gun, cook ware, tools, saddle and bags, books, geese, mare, blacksmith tools, hire of negro woman.
p. 55 - 7 July 1840 - Report of H. C. Keller, guardian of Hiram W. Keller, one of the children of Imri KELLER, dec'd, showed receipts from the father's estate, claims upon Luke M. Holmes, Jesse P. Fullen, M. Horner, and receipts from the estate of Wesley Keller, dec'd (no relationship mentioned).
p. 55 - 7 July 1840 - David P. Posey reported as guardian of Virginia Hill Keller, another child of Imri KELLER, dec'd, showing receipts from father's estate, from H. C. Keller for deficient's claims on L. M. Holmes & others, and from Wesley Keller's estate.
p. 55 - 7 July 1840 - David P. Posey reported as guardian of Virginia Hill Keller, another child of Imri KELLER, dec'd, showing receipts from father's estate, from H. C. Keller for deficient's claims on L. M. Holmes & others, and from Wesley Keller's estate.
p. 57 - 22 April 1840 - Will - George MORE: land to be divided into three parts with daughter Rebecca Nevils getting one part for her lifetime after which her children are to divide it; one part to be equally divided to Ann Cleaves' children; the third part to be divided between Jesse More's children and Alfred Conner; balance of estate to be divided into three parts--one part to Edmund Nevil, one to Jesse More, and one to Ann Cleaves' children. Executor: P. G. Davenport. Wit: Carter Whitson, James M. Barber. Brought into court at October 1840 term and proved by both witnesses. However, a codicil, not included here, was rejected.
p. 58 - 7 Sept 1840 - Will - Jonathan JONES; feeble in body; my estate to be sold and divided thus: $100 to John Harder; $100 each to Wilmouth Jones and Mary Jones, daughters of James Graham Jones, dec'd; residue to be equally divided into seven parts, one part each to be given to my sons Samuel Jones, John Jones & Jonathan Jones, and to my daughters, Mary Harden & Wilmouth Griffin Lanier. From the remaining two-sevenths my sons in law, William Crook and Joseph Abels, shall have $1 each, and the remainder shall be placed in the hands of a guardian appointed by Court for safe keeping for my grandchildren--children of my daughter Sarah Peoples Crook, and children of my daughter Bashabay Abels. Executors: Lovick Lanier & John H. Lanier, both of this state and county & Samuel Jones of Maury County, TN. Wit: Lovick Lanier, Pleasant Gardner. Proved at November 1840 term of court by both witnesses.
p. 60 - 28 Oct 1840 - Inventory of personal estate of Jeremiah COTTER, dec'd filed by A G W Byrn, adm., included "2 old fashioned watches...one shirt pattern," in addition to a mare, saddle, hogs, and harness, and a note on Andrew Finn.
p. 60 - 5 Oct 1850 - Proceeds from sale of a horse and two cows from the estate of Wm. FULLEN, dec'd, was reported by John Fullen, adm.
p. 61 - 7 Dec 1840 - Receipts from estate of James W. CHEEK, dec'd, were reported by P. G. Davenport, adm.

p. 61- Sale of Jonathan Jones, dec'd, property was held 28 Dec 1840 and reported by John H. Lanier, exr. In addition to the usual items of farm, kitchen, and household equipment, there was a large Bible, and slaves named Rose (and child Jeny?), Edmond, Drusilla, Martha, Lavina, and Sam.

p. 62 - (See pp. 49 and 56) Sale of S(usan) C. MARLEY, dec'd, 30 Oct 1840 filed on 4 Jan 1841 by exrs., H A G Lee and S. Richardson, in addition to farm tools and stock, and a wide variety of chinaware and household goods, included 1 lot of Latin books (which didn't sell), 1 lot of theological books (bought by Wm. D. Lee), 1 lot of school books (bought by Edward Fisher), and 1 lot of agricultural books (bought by H A G Lee). The six windsor chairs mentioned on page 56 were bought by John S. Brandon. Slaves Orleans, Sam and Ben were hired out. Other purchasers included Benj. F. Fisher, H. Crihfield, Esq., Saml. Hooper, Wm. T. Morehead, Stith Richardson, Robt. Crihfield, H. R. Chambers, R. R. Watson, Guilford Jones, Henry Somerow, H. Crihfield, jr., W. L. Walpole, E. H. Hinton, John Hutcheson, John Walpole, E. H. Hinton, and Hugh Smith.

p. 66 - 4 Jan 1841 - Report of Moses E. Stone, guardian of John W. Rudder, child of Saml. RUDDER dec'd, showed property of his ward included two negroes--Daniel and Rachel--and 1/3 of the hire of 3 negroes for 1840.

p. 66 - 4 Jan 1841 - Report of H. C. Keller, guardian of Hiram W. Keller, minor heir of Imri KELLER, dec'd, showed money including some from estate of Wesley Keller, "five dollars of which is Holly Springs."

p. 67 - 5 Jan 1841 - Report of David A. Bradford, guardian for Wm. T., Mary J., Eleanor A., Robt. A., & Caledonia T. Burke, minor heirs of Arnold BURKE, dec'd, showed notes, due bills and receipts for: Wm. Matthews, C. Webb, G. Webb, W. Cleaves, Wm. Smith, D. A. Bradford & George (sic), Jas. C. Lovelass, Jeremiah Penick, M. G. Turner, A. Philip, Wm. Fisher, J. R. Stone, J. D. Coachman, P. B. & W. Glenn, R. P. Colier, A. Smith, J. C. Barnes, W. D. Cooper, Coleman Hale, Wm. A. Cleaves, E. Rudder, Asa Pate, M. G. McMillan, A. Morehead, Sam Rice, J. D. Coachman, Wm. & Joseph White; also slaves Littleton and Stith (adult males), George and Jim (boys), Nancy (woman), and Sophia, Eliza, and Sarah (girls).

p. 68 - 4 Jan 1841 - Sale of estate of John COCHRAN, dec'd held Sept 7, 1840 filed by John Fletcher, adm. included clothing, a pocket book, bale & rope, and 30 lots of wool. Purchasers included John Fletcher, Harrison Hogsett, Micajah Webb, J. P. Rice, Wm. Matthews, Levi Gardner, A. Lotty, Josiah Well, A. H. Pope, W. Fisher, M. A. Posey, A. B. Gaines, Wm. T. Morehead, John McCall, E. Fitzpatrick, John Buchannon, M. Pickett, James Braden, Lancy Graves, Saml. Davenport, E. Farmer, Jas. L. Green, H. C. Keller, Wm. Lunsford, Jos. Wardlaw, Wm. Fletcher, Thos. Peel, John Chapman, David Loften, John C. Nevils, Reuben Braden, Coleman Hutcheson.
p. 69 - 1 Feb 1841 - Inventory of estate of John FLIPPIN, dec'd; John L. Flippin, adm. included a note on Wm. M. Omohundro, Thos W. Omohundro and John Ashland, and an account on Wm. J. Flippin.
p. 70 - 1 March 1841 - Inventory of estate of Matthew TURNER, dec'd; Jonathan Laney, adm. included notes and accounts on Shoot (sic), Mary Hunter, Willis Wilkins, Benj. F. Hunter, Wm. White, Pleasant Miller, Lazurus Denny, Julius Laney, Camillus(?) Campbell, a judgement on Isaac J. Pinson, farm animals, saddle and bridle, and 1000# of pork. Property sold on 8 Feb 1841 included farm animals and harness; purchasers were Henry P. Barfield, Jonathan Laney, Elijah Lake, Daniel Williams and C. C. Dyer.

p. 71 - 1 March 1841 - Estate of Joseph ADAMS, dec'd; H. Crihfield, adm., included farm animals and a froe sold to Hardy Measles, Mrs. Adams, and Wm. Adams; notes on Orrin Lambert, one in hands of Wm. Bradford, and an account on Hardy Measles.

p. 71 - 5 April 1841 - Inventory of estate of Charlotte ANDRUS/ANDERS, dec'd; Saml. P. Anders, adm: farm tools and harness, dishes, kitchenware, a mattress, furniture, bedclothes, seed cotton and seed potatoes, a mare, corn and fodder.
p. 72 - 5 April 1841 - Wm. P. Gaines, guardian of Juretta G. Niswanger, a child of Jacob NISWANGER, dec'd, reported: notes and receipts on Wm. H. Fisher, Martha Prescott, N. W. Barnes, Wm. P. Gaines, J. R. Stone & Isaac Braden, John C. Barnes and Ira Gaines, James Morris, Isaac Braden, A. H. Pope, Joseph Wardlaw; slaves Ben (about age 60) and Isaac (about age 30).

p. 73 - 3 May 1841 - Inventory of estate of Alexander STRICKLAND, dec'd; G. L. Rutherford, adm.: a mare, 2 hogs, 20 bbl. corn, a few items of cookware, notes on Nathaniel B. Erwin and Wm. C. Malone, and two 50-cent bills--one on Chickasaw Land Bank Miss., and another on Vicksburgh.

p. 74 - 7 June 1841 - Estate sale of Charlotte ANDERS, dec'd on 10 Feb 1841; Saml. P. Anders, adm.: buyers included James Long, Tho. J. Brown, Tho. A. Flippin, Willie Dodd, Ann Harris, John H. Halliburton, Wm. Baxter, James Thompson, Geo. Humphreys, Wm. S. Hamil, Thos. A. Prescott, Wm. A. Howard, Martha Anders, Richard Parr, John F. Anders, Freeman Johnson, James W. Reynolds, Stith Richardson, Wm. Elliot, Robert Crihfield, John W. Nearn. Items included the usual variety of farm and household items, and farm stock.

p. 76 - 10 July 1841 - John WALPOLE; in low state of health and not expecting to recover again; to my wife Francess A. Walpole, negroes Aaron & Lucky, and 150-acre tract of land on which I now live as long as she remains my widow, also a mare, hogs, household and kitchen furniture, and present crop of corn on the ground; to (son) Benjamin the land at my wife's death except for 25 acres off the southeast corner which I give to son James A. Walpole (this to be all James A. gets); to son Thomas, 62 1/2 acres off the house tract or Benjamin's part; to son Benjamin, crop of tobacco now growing; the negroes Marthy, Holly, James, Ebberlina, Rose Lumiss(?), Jane, and Manervy are to be evaluated and equally divided among my children Benjamin, William, John Thomas, Rebecker, Mary, Frances Caroline, and Catharine Walpole. Daughter Ann E. Ward is to share equally with the other children (except James A.) what my wife leaves at her death or remarriage. Exrs. to be sons Benjamin & William Walpole, (also) guardians for my two youngest children, Caroline & Catherine, who are to have their part with interest when they come of age or marry. Wit: Edmund Wright, Zachariah Mitchell, John Russell, Saml. C. Robison. Proven at Oct 1841 term of court by all witnesses except Robison.
p. 78 - 20 Oct 1840 - Sale of perishable property of the estate of A. D. COACHMAN, dec'd, sold by Ben S. & T. W. Tyus, adm. A few of the many items sold included household goods, dishes, 12 1/2 acres land, a carpet, furniture (itemized), a rifle, double barrel shot gun, a bird net, axes, augers, froes, awls, gimblets, squares, chisels, adze, plows, harrows, cheese toaster, spinning wheels, clock reel, waffle iron, wagons, corn, horses, hog, cows, hire of slaves: Martha, Kate, Elsy & Mary, Old Kate, boy Stith, boy January, girl Hagar. F. W. Tyus was allowed a credit for keeping "old Lydia and two children". There were notes on Wm. Conner, J. & R. Boyd, E. Tyus, B. S. Tyus, A. Carlton, J. R. Lee. Buyers were: Benj. S. Tyus, D. M. Henning, E. J. Graves, T. W. Tyus, F. W. Tyus, M. P. Estes, Wm. Matthews, E. J. Graves, C. A. R. Coachman, J. G. Anthony, J. D. Davis, J. C. Davis, C. Watson, T. Rice, John Rice, J. J. Tuggle, T. G. Rice, M. Pickett, J. Scott, D. M. Ditto, H. W. Grammar, P.H.W. Grammar, Wm. Turner, A. Phillips, R. W. Green, C. C. Conner, J. H. Kent, A. Pettus, R. W. Green, Joshua Stone (3 old squares & chisels, an oat cutter), J. J. Robinson, D. A. Bradford, D. J. Allison, T. Rayner, W. Turner, G. Green, James Brown, R. Pindar, Wm. F. Jarrett, Eln. Sweet, A. H. Pettas, E. C. Deal, G. L. Rutherford, B. Graves, Nancy Moore, John Buccanon.

p. 83 - 4 Oct 1841 - Report of Wm. D. Lee, appointed guardian of Malvina and Josiah C. Marley, 2 of the children of Adam MARLEY and Susan C. MARLEY, dec'd, at July 1840 term of court showed receipts of $167.12 and $232.30 from the Clerk of Smith Circuit Court for the distributive share of the sale of certain land, and from the hire of slaves Solomon age 31, Orleans age 21, Harriet age 14, Nancy age 14, Louisa age 10. Benjamin a boy about 11 years old was taken sick 11 of Nov 1840 and with all proper treatment he died April 4, 1841.

p. 85 - 4 Oct 1841 - George WILLIAMS estate; David Williams, adm. Notes on David Williams, G. R. Williams, Wm. Williams, Miles D. Wakefield, M. E. Churchwell, F. Barfield, Daniel Williams, Isaac Braden, Ransom Hawkins, J. A. Churchwell, G. R. Williams, Wm. Allen, Turner Williams, Jas. B. Crook, Bignal Crook, Barnet Gilstrap, John Gilstrap, Will. Cobler, R. Hawkins.
p. 86 - 28 Nov 1841 - Sale of estate of George MORE, dec'd, P. G. Davenport, exr: N. W. Barnes (ox cart), D. A. Bradford (a carryall), notes on Michael Cleaves, D. A. Bradford, and Wm. Flynn.
p. 86 - 1 Nov 1841 - Inventory of John FLIPPIN, dec'd; John L. Flippin, admr: $200 in cash, note on Joseph H. Talbot & Wm. H. Loving.
p. 87 - 1 Nov 1841 - Inventory of John WALPOLE, dec'd; W. S. Walpole, Benjamine H. Walpole, extrs: oxen and cart, hogs, ploughs, hoes, axes, saddle, chain, and notes on: Jno. Russell, Edward Fisher, B. T. Porter, Austin Ward.
p. 87 - 1 Nov 1841 - Inventory of H.A.G. LEE, deceased; Wm. D. Lee, admr. includes horses, cattle, hogs, household and kitchen furniture and some farming utensils and notes and due bills on: Jas. Long, Newton Marley, Edmund Wright, an account settled with Dobbyns & Bradford for Wm. T. Morehead, and doubtful notes on Porter & Willis.
p. 88 - 12 Nov 1841 - Account of the sale of H.A.G. LEE, dec'd at his late residence included household items (a travelling trunk), a number of books including: Moore Wesley, Wesley's Notes, Watson's Institute, Belags Sermons, Classical Dictionary, Adams Lectures, W. Pilot, Rutherford's Institutes, Watson Institute, Newton on Prophets, Dictionary of Bible, Wesley Sermons, Latin Dictionary, Devotional Guide, Faber on Infidelity, History of Greece, Josephus, Colyer's Lecture, British Pulpit, Brownlo's Expo, Family Advice, Wesley Life & Procview, French Dictionary, Portrait Gallery, Pope's Works. A box of window glass, tools, harness, shot gun, rifle & cutlass, cattle, horses, ox, etc. Buyers included Mrs. M. Lee, G. Jones, W. D. Lee, M. A. Shepherd, J. A. Lackey, Dr. S. Richardson, C. Rounsaville, W. Adams, S. Hooper, Wm. B. Sawyer, E. Wright, E. H. Hinton, H. Somerow, B. M. Flippin, James Freeman, Wm. Spence, T. Olds, J. Marley, Wm. T. Morehead, J. L. Fort, Richard Parr.

p. 92 - 3 Jan 1842 - Inventory of personal estate of Robert FORD, dec'd; Henry F. Rutherford, adm. Accounts on Edward Kennely, Wm. Misskelley; receipt on Felix Rutherford, constable of Haywood Co, TN for collection of a note on D. L. Drake for $40 due 1 March 1841, an account on William Acre--notes total $52.12. Property includes: hand saw, pot rack, chisel, auger, drawing knife, hand iron, oven & lid, large pot, small pot, tea kettle, skillet & lid, shovel, pair fire irons, grubbing hoe & lot hoes, 2 axes, 3 chairs, 1 plough, 1 small table, 2 bedsteads, 2 beds & clothing, funnel, saddle, small axe, 3 cows, 2 calves, 7 shoats, 2 sows & 9 pigs, 1 barr of tobacco, 2 iron wedges, coffee mill, 1 saddle 1 lot tableware, 1 jug, 1 lot kitchen furniture, 2 jars, half basket, tub & tin bucket. Buyers at the sale: John Kilbreath, James A. Freeman, David Ford, Samuel Stricklin, William Acres, John Wright, Samuel Stricklin, Henry Rutherford, Wm. R. Chambers, Wm. B. Chambers, Matthew Brandon (1 coffee mill for 25 cents, bucket for 75 cents, a barrel tray and sifter for $1.93 3/4, 1 axe for $2.50), John Thurmond, Wm. Pitts, Henry F. Rutherford, Beverly B. Watson, Wm. M. Lea.

Sales totaled $179.55 1/2.

p. 95 - 13 Jan 1842 - Report of sale of G. B. TEMPLE estate; Nancy Temple, adm. included purchasers T. F. Theus, Thos. Wilcox, John A. Clark, D. Middleton, Nancy Temple, Henry Willard, Isaac Braden, R. C. Campbell, Miss C. Temple.
p. 95 - 3 Jan 1842 - Inventory reported by William Wood, adm of Eleanor WOOD, dec'd, include horses, cattle, ox, hogs, sheep, 1300# pork, fodder, tools, clock, 3 spinning wheels, loom, household furniture, 10 geese, oats, and more.
p. 97 - 9 Nov 1840 - Sale at residence of James McElyea, the property of Jeremiah COTTER, dec'd; A.G.W. Byrn, adm. Included hogs, mare, harness, plow & tools, razor, 2 watches (sold for $12 and $5), a shirt pattern (sold for .42 3/4). Buyers: W. Lofland, A.G.W. Byrn, James McElyea, Abs. Vickory, John Laird, M. C. Horner, J M C Robertson, James A. Morris; accounts of John Laird, a due bill on Dobyns Bradford & Co.
p. 98 - 28 Jan 1842 - Sale of property of Eleanor WOOD, dec'd, Wm. A. Wood, admr: farm tools, sheep, spinning wheels, loom, hogs, horses, corn, cows, rifle, clock, usual household goods. Buyers: W. A. Wood, Thos. Hutcheson, A. S. Tucker, D. M. Henning, J. A. Morris, E. A. Wood (spinning wheel, loom, saddle, dining table, bureau, beds, bedsteads & furniture, dressing table, candle stand), Jo. Glawson, Jo. Tayler, W. T. Morehead, D. A. Bradford, L. Gaines, Jno. Buckhannon, D. McLeod, J. Price, R. H. Hammil, A. S. Tucker, Jno. Thompson, J. H. Cleaves, Jos. Wardlaw, A. P. Thompson, Walter Glawson.
p. 101 - 7 Feb 1842 - Henderson JONES, dec'd; Joseph Currie, adm(?) Sale: tobacco, wearing apparel, boots, etc., fruit, pair turkeys; notes on Carrol Jones, Sing & Prescott endorsed by J. Hays, note on Geo. Thum, Saml. A. Thompson.
p. 102 - 7 March 1842 - Estate of Gilbert ELAM, dec'd, Ezekiel Farmer, adm; inventory: includes colt, saddle blanket and martingale, umbrella, lantern, decanter, BOWIE KNIFE, a dress coat, 2 books, notes on Ebenezer Renfro, Shadrick Black, John Diggs, Wm. Braden, John A. Clark.

p. 103 - 7 March 1842 - Sale of John WALPOLE, dec'd; Benj. H. Walpole, adm. (farm tools, hogs, cows). Buyers: Wm. Owen, Samuel Hooper, John H. Halliburton, Thos. D. Walpole, Wm. S. Walpole, Benj. Walpole, Austin Ward, Thos. Rodgers, Wm. A. Johnson, Wm. R. Roberson, John L. Flippin, Wm. Spence, Wm. Brown, Wm. Campbell, John T. Brown.

p. 104 - 2 April 1842 - Estate of William PRICE, Sen., dec'd; James Price, adm. inventory: mulefoot (two separate ones sold), large family bible, padlock, Ripley narrative, compass, 1 moving pholaster, many carpentry and woodworking tools. Buyers: Jesse P. Fullen, John Holmes, Thomas R. Holmes, James Price, Wm. Matthews, David A. Bradford, Martha Price, Wm. A. Cleaves, David Fitzpatrick, Linsey Durham, James H. Cleaves, Pleasant G. Davenport, James McClelland, Thos. J. Childress, Saml. W. Davenport, Thos. Fitzpatrick.
p. 108 - 2 May 1842 - Estate of Robert MAXWELL, dec'd; Joel W. Kirby/Kearley, adm. Inventory includes receipts on Joseph Wardlaw for a note on Saml. Rudder, note on L. B. Prendergast, J. B. Prendergast and John W. Love; note on Willie Dodd; note on Robert Mobly; note on Matthew Cosby; note on G. B. Holland, Tarlton Harris and Robt. McCord; note on Mat C. Caruthers; harness, tools, blacksmith tools, rifle, cattle, hogs, horses; note on Brice M. McElroy; money on Real Estate Bank of Arkansas; Nashville Bank; Mobile Bank of Alabama.
p. 110 - 2 May 1842 - Estate of Joshua WRIGHT; G. L. Rutherford, adm. Average or above inventory of tools, horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, rifle, loom, etc. Note on F. Barfield, S. Thompson's receipt for a claim against J. L. Flippin, adm.; execution against R. Meadows, H. Meadows, M. B. Chism & W. Deason; accounts on Jos. Braden, Reuben Kennedy.
p. 111 - 6 June 1842 - Sale bill of Robt. MAXWELL, dec'd; J. W. Kearley/Kearby, adm. (see above, p. 108) Buyers: E. Kerly, John Smith, Sr., Mrs. Kerly, David Runnels, Alfred Flippin, W. S. Reed, A. Olds, H. Kirly, Elic Coble, Jesse Ledbetter, David Reynolds, James Gillespie, H. Reynolds, B. Nearn, B. Kerly, S. Kerly, James Robison, Jno. Pewit, John B. Dodd, Wm. Jennings, Jesse Ledbetter, Daniel Reynolds, Lucinda Kerley, Elizabeth Kerly.
p. 114 - 6 June 1842 - Additional inventory of Williamson PRICE, Sr., dec'd; James Price, adm.: one account on Adam Huntsman for $262.40. [Adam Huntsman defeated Davy Crockett for Congress in 1836.]
p. 114 - 4 July 1842 - Sale of Joshua WRIGHT, dec'd at his late residence in Lauderdale Co; G. L. Rutherford, adm., (a lot of farm stock, household equipment, tools). Buyers: James M. Scott, Mrs. Wright, John Rackley, G. W. Chism, John Edmonson, John Langly, Ancel Reynolds, Henry Shearer, W. L. McKinley, Jas. H. Hogsett, John Edmonson, Saml. Deason, John H. Maxwell, John Edmonson, Wm. Deason, John Hodge, Wm. Gennings/Jennings, N. Reynolds, Mrs. Cockram.
p. 116 - 4 July 1842 - Additional inventory of Robert MAXWELL, dec'd, J. W. Kerly, admr. farm stock. Buyers: Henry Kerley, A. B. Gaines, W. Lofland, J. Lofland, J. D. Maxwell, S. Richardson, J. D. Maxwell, Wm. Y. Driskell, Albert Thompson.
p. 117 - 4 July 1842 - Sale bill of Gilbert ELAM, dec'd; E. Farmer, adm., included young horse, silver watch (sold for $2.07), a Bowie knife (sold for $3.00), umbrella, decanter, pan, arithmetic, pair shoes, pair martingales, hat, pocket book, cloth coat, 2 pair pantaloons.
p. 117 - 12 July 1842 - Will of Henry R. CHAMBERS: to wife Martha H. Chambers all my worldly estate at my death except two of my negro boys--Frank and William Miles. Frank goes to my nephew Henry Pillow; William Miles is to remain with my wife until my adopted son, Tally Lee Witter, is 21 when he is to be his. If my wife dies, he is to be placed in the hands of a guardian. Henry Franklin Rutherford, exr., and Martha H. Chambers extx. Wit: Owen R. Willis, Samuel Hooper. Proved 3 Sept 1842 by Samuel Hooper one of the witnesses and William Pillow, who swore that he saw him sign. [Wm. Pillow, 16 years younger than the widow, married her May 23, 1843.]
p. 119 - 3 Oct 1842 - Saml. Hankins inventory of R. MAXWELL's estate: notes on Wilburne Laughlin, A. P. Thompson & W. A. Wood; S. Richardson, Isaac Maxwell & G. L. Rutherford; J. D. Maxwell & J. P. Maxwell; A. B. Gaines, Wm. P. Gaines & J. R. Stone; A. P. Thompson & M. A. Wood; H. H. S. Kerly, E Kerly & Lucinda Kirly; A. P. Thompson; J. J. Robinson, R. H. McGaughy & J. D. Maxwell; Henry Reynolds, N. Reynolds; Jesse Ledbetter, E. Coble & Benj. Nearn; John A. Pewitt, Jas. T. F. & J. M. Richardson; John B. Dodd, Thos. J. Brim & Willie Dodd; David Reynolds, Jas. Reynolds, Nicholas Reynolds; Benj. Nearn, Dickison Jennings & Wm. Jennings; James Gillespie & David Williams; Wm. Jennings, D. Jennings & Bn. Nearn; Elisabeth Kerly & Lucinda Kerly; Thomas A. Flippin, E. H. Hinton & A. Olds; Matthew Cozby; Robert Mally; Matthew Caruthers; G. B. Holland & Varlton Harril; L. B. Prendergast, J. B. Predergast & J. W. Love; receipt on James Thomson, C.H.C.(clerk Haywood Co?); receipt on Joseph Wardlaw; account on James W. Cheek for 348# pork; account on Moses S. Wolf for 121# pork; judgment in J. H. Maxwell, Esq.'s office vs. McElroy. Total is $921.73 3/4. 1 negro slave named Patty & her child May, cost $500.
p. 121 - 7 Nov 1842 -Inventory of estate of Jammiah F. CHISHOLM; Wm. R. Chisholm, adm. Horses, cattle, hogs, 17 geese, small crop of corn, cotton and potatoes; 2 bedsteads and beds and clothing, trunk, 2 spinning wheels, 2 plows, 4 horse gearing, loom, 1 family bible and 3 other books; 3 bushels fruit; 1 table, 6 chairs, 2 irons , 2 pair cards, 1 slate, whelf ware, pot vessels, note on John King for $137; note on Joshua Wright for $850; on Jacob Lenville for $2.50, on Hiram Meadows for $8.00, on Joseph Wardlaw for $8, on Cain Acuff for $2.16, account on Hiram C. Keller for $10, 1 grindstone. Account of sale shows a hymnal and lists household goods. Buyers were: Cain Acuff, John Meadows, Elijah Chism, Elijah G. Chism, Geo W. Chism, Hiram Meadows, Henry T. Chism, Wm. R. Chism, Wm. Sawyer, David McLeon, John Edmonson, John Hodge, Moses B. Chism, Benj. Nearn. Total $221.471/2.
p. 124 - 28 Nov 1840 - Account of sale of Michael CLEAVES. Items included jars, pots, kettle, skillets, oven, wash tub, whisky barrel, pewter ware, churn, a poplar table, loom, harness, plows, saws, hoes, spinning wheel, side saddle, hogs 24 geese, cotton, horses, shot gun, beds, chairs, clock, saddle stand, ink stand, glass drawer "hone & bible", wagon, a lease, a land warrant, much else. Buyers: Elizabeth Cleaves, Martha Moore, Jas. H. Cleaves, P. G. Davenport, John J. Cleaves, A. Phillips, Joseph Hays, Albert S. Durham, W. Mathis, James Brown, Joseph Hays, C. Webb, David A. Bradford, J. Hodge, R. W. Green, W. A. Cleaves, A. S. Durham, Davis Webb, T. L. Blackwell, Wm. A. Cleaves, J. Lemuel, S. Nevils, J. Lenier, Saml. A. Thompson, Asa Pate, Robert West, rect. on Jules (Jubes) Bingham for server to be paid in coffee, acct on Micajah Webb, account on Wm. J. Crocker, execution vs. Martin R. Hatcher. Total $598.38.
p. 127 - 15 Sept 1840 - Will of Nancy LYTLE of county of Haywood, weak and feeble; to my niece, Mary Ann Robinson my negroe woman Permelia, 1 bed and furniture and 1 trunk with all its contents. My doctor's bill and the taxes for my woman Permelia to be paid out of her hire for the present year. John Halliburton to be executor. /s/ Nancy (x) Lytle Wit: Jas Thomson, Wm. Elmore, Wm. Ball; Elmore and Ball proved 5 Dec 1842.

p. 128 - 14 Jan 1843 - Joseph Hays, guardian of minor heirs of Jesse MOORE's children (names not listed) reports.

p. 128 - 14 May 1841 - Sale of Alexander STRICKLIN/STRICKLAND estate; G. L. Rutherford, adm. lists $100.43 of sale items including harness, few household items, sow, and corn. Buyers: Wm. B. Chambers, James Soward, James A. Freeman, H. R. Chambers, H. F. Rutherford, John Chambers, Wm. Omohundro, Thos. W. Blythe, O. R. Willis, Robert Ford, Wm. Owen, Sam Stricklin.
p. 129 - 29 April 1843 - Will of James E. STREET: Funeral expenses to be paid; to beloved wife Bridget Street, mare, bridle & saddle, household & Kitchen furniture, cow & calf and all hogs on hand, negro girl named Irena about 10 years old during her natural life. If negro girl is obedient and faithful during Bridget's life and if it shall be her will and desire, she has power to mancipate her at her death; also to wife the tract of land I live on of 101 acres with full power and authority with the executor to sell if it become necessary either to pay my debts or to support my wife. If the land remains unsold until the death of my wife, it is to be divided between my nephews Hubbard Street and David Street, sons of Henry Street and Sarah Street. If the slave girl is not liberated she and her increase to be equally divided between Hubbard and David Street. Exrs to be wife Bridget and my friend Absolam G. W. Byrn. Wit: P. C. Dial, Rezin S. Byrn, John Watson. Proved 5 June 1843 by Rezin S. Byrn and John Watson.
p. 132 - 23 May 1843 - Sale of perishable estate of Saml. W. HANKINS, deceased; Caroline Hankins, admr. [Hankins is shown as a Minister of the Gospel in marriage records]. Most of the things were bought by Mrs. C[aroline] Hankins. Items sold included: 2 volumes of Shakespeare, Johnson's Dictionary & Spectator, medical book, bible & hymn book, Bible & Josephus, crockery, furniture, quilts, tooth drawers, trunks, looking glass, spinning wheels, sheep, hogs, cows, horses, corn. Buyers in addition to Mrs. C. Hankins were Henry Hankins, H. Thomas Blyth, Saml. Hankins, E. H. Hinton. Sales totaled $173.37. Notes and accounts: Saml. Metre; Zachariah Mitchell, L.B.R. Reeves, Owen Willis, J. W. Nearn, Saml. Strickland, Widow Coleman, Wm. Acres, Laban Jones, Spencer Hutcheson, E. H. Hinton, John Willis, Thos. A. Flippin, James Freeman, Henry Crichfield, Sr., Benj. M. Flippin, Wm. M. Ohohundro, Edmund Wright, Thomas Denton, Henry Chambers, dec'd, Mrs. Martha Chambers, Estate of Robt. Maxwell, dec'd. Total notes and receipts $356.03.
p. 134 - 7 August 1843 - Inventory of personal estate of James E. STREET dec'd; Bridget Street and A.G.W. Byrn, adms.: axes, augurs, planes, grind stone, chissels, gouges, chains, drawing knife, square, horse, cows, foot adzes, harness, wagon, shot gun, wagon timber, wagon body; notes and accounts on Thomas Durham, A. S. Tucker, David Fitzpatrick, E. Fitzpatrick, Joseph Wardlaw. Buyers at the sale were John Watson, Wm. Matthews, Christopher Watson, James C. Lovelace, Mark Watson, R. S. Byrn, Thomas Davenport, J. G. Anthony, Wm. Spence, A. P. Thompson, Cyrus Webb, S. W. Davenport, D. Fitzpatrick. Total $63.85.
p. 136 - 1 Sept 1843 - Sale of property from estate of Saml. DEASON; Wm. Deason, adm. Items were a rifle, axe, plough & coulter, 1/2 of a raft cable, over 200# of coffee, hogs, and a steel trap. $58.75 Buyers were: Benjamin Deason, John Langley, John Rackley, Wm. R. Ledbetter, R. Meadows, E. C. Coble, H. H. Henderson, J. J. Robinson, H. Champ.
Page numbering jumps from the 130's to the 150's--there seems to be no skip in records.

p. 157 - 2 Oct 1843 - Inventory of Henry CHAMBERS, dec'd; Henry F. Rutherford, executor. Due bills and notes on: M. D. Fizer & A. Pursell, James Soward, Thomas J. Hill, Samuel Hooper, Councill Cowel, Saml. Stricklin & John Soward, Leonard Dunavant, Caleb W. Anderson, Leonard Dunavant, Estate of Susan C. Marley, dec'd, Isaac Sampson & G. L. Rutherford, A.G.M.Byrn, S. A. Thompson, G. L. Rutherford, James A. Freeman, crop of cotton sold by executor $146.10, James H. Chambers, William Misskelly, Samuel Stricklin, one jury ticket (all above are good claims totalling $687.48; the following are doubtful claims): Bryant F. Buck, B. T. Porter & O. R. Willis, Leonard P. Lambert & B. B. Watson, Estate of R. Ford, Benj. T. Porter, John Redford & Dyer County totalling $292.42.

p. 158 - 3 Nov 1843 - Inventory of Wm. D. CROOK, dec'd; Jas. B. Crook: horses, mule cattle, yoke of steers & cart, hogs, 45 or 50 barrels of corn of last years crop, the present crop of corn ungathered, his household & kitchen furniture, farming tools.
p. 158 - Report from Saml. V. Gilliland, guardian of Wm. A. Wood, Betsy A. Wood, Robt. L. Wood, Levin R. Wood, Handy Wood, Sabert Wood and Mary E. Wood appointed June 1843 shows receipts from Stephen Blackwell's estate, from John Payne's estate, from John Blackwell, Mary J. Lee, A. B. & Wm. P. Gaines, David Lofton (in suit and very bad), Nepper's rent, Jay Calhoun's rent, D. P. Posey's rent, J. F. Burks rent, A. B. Gaines & P. G. Davenport, Isaac Peterson, Jno. Thompson & D. P. Posey rent, John Buckhannon & A. Phillips rent; E. Donahoe rent, A. Phillips rent, Z. McLeod rent, A. McLeod rent, Alexander McKinnon rent, receipt of E. Wood, balance in hands of adm of S. Wood $120.03 1/2. Paid out to A. Swanson for tuition; John C. Barnes, taxes; Joseph Balderson, tuition; James Price, coffin for negro; James P. Walker for tuition, G. L. Rutherford, shff, taxes, A. J. Russell for tuition, Joseph Balderson for tuition, Wm. F. Morehead for tuition; Alex Swanson for tuition, Alex McKinnon for tailoring; E. Donahoe for repairing on land; John Buchannon for repairs.
p. 160 - 21 Oct 1843 -Will of Joseph MURPHEY - all debts to be paid; to my wife Frances J. Murphey all my estate real and personal during her life or widowhood; to my daughter Ann Damon at the death of my wife or end of her widowhood my negro slave named Betsy, free from the control of her present or future husband and from the contracts and debts of her husband now or future; the slave or her increase to go to Ann Damon's heirs born of her body when Ann dies. To my son Wm. P. Murphey at wife's death or end of her widowhood my negro boy Grandison; to son John M. Murphey, at death of wife...negro slave Sundy; to son Samuel R. Murphey at death of wife...negro girl slave Catharine. Issue and increase of negro girl Betsy before the death or marriage of my wife to be equally divided between my four before named children. My land whereon I now reside to be equally divided at the death or marriage of my wife between my 4 above mentioned children. To wife Francis J. Murphey my negro slave Dice. Wife to be executrix with no security. /s/Joseph (x) Murphey Wit: John Watson, Edwin Williams. Proved by Watson and Williams December 1843 court.
p. 163 - Sale of Samuel DEASON's estate; William Deason, adm.. Items include farm stock, household equipment, cooking vessels, loom, spinning wheel, furniture for a total of $50.64. Buyers were: Mrs. Deason, J. Sawyer, B. Deason, James Rackley, John Rackley, C. Acuff.
p. 164 - 4 Dec 1843 - James H. Cleaves, guardian of Alfred MOORE reported receipts from Pleasant G. Davenport totalling $18.31.

p. 165 - 15 Nov 1843 - Sale bill of Estate of James BARFIELD, dec'd; F. Barfield, adm.. Items include wedge, hoes, knives, axes, saws, cookware, ploughs, wash pot, cooperware, coffee mill, check rule, spinning wheels, books, smoothing irons, spinning machine, table, press & contents, shaving instruments, churn, teaspoons, etc., hogs, corn, cotton in the field ($15.00), slates, candlesticks, snuffers & molds, tray and sifter, shaving skillet, doubtful notes on S. Gardner and J. D. Edney. Buyers were: Frederick Barfield, W. D. Barfield, Elijah Lake, Widow Barfield.

p. 167 - February Session 1844 Pleasant G. Davenport and John A.(?) Pope produced will of Abel H. Pope, and James A. Lackey and David M. Henning witnesses proved it. 22 January 1844 -Will of Abel H. POPE - feeble state of body - funeral expenses to be paid. To wife Clarissa the tract of land where I now reside containing 109 acres & 86 poles and one bay mare called Rhine and a sorrel mare called Fan, 2 [sows?] and pigs, 2 Berkshire hogs and 10 choice fattened hogs, 3 choice cows and calves, a yoke of oxen and oxcart, 5 feather beds and furniture, kitchen furniture and farming utensils; land to be hers during her widowhood; to son John S. Pope 1 black 3-year old colt and the entry of land made near Fulton in his name containing 146 acres; to my daughter Maria Lodosky Pope the tract of 100 acres I purchased from Edmund Tipton; to daughter Narcissa Caroline Pope my entry or tract of 100 acres on Islands #26 and 27; to daughter Julia Ann Pope 21 acres near Hurricane Hill and the tract where I reside at the death or marriage of my wife. I appoint my son John S. Pope and my friend and brother-in-law Pleasant G. Davenport executors. Wit: D. M. Henning, A. A. Lackey
p. 169 - 29 and 30 Nov 1843 - Inventory and account of sales of the personal property of the estate of Nancy CHILDRESS, dec'd at her late residence; John C. Barnes and Tho. J. Childress, administrators. Some of the items sold: plows, hoes, spades, hogs, cart, wagon, saws, scyth & cradle, spinning wheels, harness, cedar churn, brass kettle, coffee mill, tub, waffle molds, fleshfork and gridiron, ovens, tea kettle, smoothing iron, skillets, water bucket, tubs, brass andirons, looking glasses, glasses, wine glasses, decanters, glass pitchers, sugar tongs, set of tablespoons, large silver spoon, teaspoons, side board, 2 fine tables, sugar chest, press, pewter basin, baking pans & candleholders, castor, sugar dish, bowl & spoon, tea pot & pitcher, coffee canister, clock, candle stocks, flax hackles, flax wheel, book on domestick medicine, Riley's Narrative, Walker's Dictionary, lot of old books, chairs, bible, "1 six hundred Slae" [could this be a sleigh?], 9 chairs, rifle, a watch, set of mill stones, sheep, horses, bed steads (one a "curtain bed, sted & clothes"), cows, yokes of oxen, chains, stretchers, clevises, shaving kit, lot of forks and knives, 9 plates, tureen, butter plates, coffee canister, several set of plates, dishes, 5 green-edge plates, pitcher, bowls, stake dishes, china coffee pot, set of china (for $25.00 to Elijah Lake), seed cotton, doffer, hay, corn, loom saw files, augers, hatchet & chisel, drawing knife, sweet potatoes, bacon, medical scales, hand saw, iron square, sole leather, tinware, flax seed, churns, iron candle stick, pad lock, flax, sugar, coffee. Buyers were: Arthur Totty, Thos. S. Clark, Nathl. W. Barnes, Elijah Lake, Joel G. Childress, E. B. Kent, A. S. Tucker, Wm. Matthews, Wm. T. Morehead, John McWhite, James L. Green, Wm. Mathis, P. G. Gaines, James M. Lake, John D. Edney, Wm. Wood, Emerson Dunnahoe, Wm. R. Boyd, Isaac M. Steele, Henry Caldwell, David Williams, James G. Anthony, C. C. Dyer, Thomas Tuggle, J. T. Cain, David Williams, J. W. Perkins, James Lacey, P. R. Winningham, Henry Caldwell, Stephen Gardner, A. S. Lackey, Richard Golden, Jonathan Laney, Hermis Champ, D. M. Henning, Wm. D. Lee, Stephen S. Childress, Pleasant C. Dial, J. T. Cain, D. Fitzpatrick, B. F. Childress, David Bishop, Joseph W. Perkins, Thos. A. Raynor, F. Barfield, Wm. D. Barfield, Henry Willard, Martha Price, Lewis Hutcheson, Wm. D. Lee, James Sherman, Geo. B. Lake, John Holloman, Geo. Thum, Wm. Allen, Cyrus Webb, Milton F. Lake, Thomas L. Clark, L. Hutcheson, M. L. Childress, G. L. Rutherford, H. P. Barfield, Stephen Gardner, H. P. Barfield, John C. Barnes. Total sales were $985. Notes due on Wm. Goodwin, John L. Atkinson, Charles C. Dyer, Hermis Champ, Leroy F. Lockard, John L. Herron & H. Champ, John D. Edney, James J. Robinson totalling $155.62.
p. 177 - 5 Feb 1844 - Inventory of Sarah COOK, dec'd; Wm. Turner, adm. Notes on M. G. Turner, R. C. West, $160 cash, account vs. A. W. Turner, small bit of cookware, dishes, 3 chairs, cow and calf and side saddle.
p. 177 - 5 Feb 1844 - Account of sale of W. D. CROOK, Dec'd; James B. Crook adm. Some of the items: cows, oxen and cart, axes, saws, chain, augers, plough, wagon boxes, saws, cookware, furniture, mule ($75.00 to Hodges Lanier), horses, straw bed (25 cents), 7 chairs, clock, hogs, corn. Sales totaled $444.56. Buyers were Mrs. Crook, F. W. Chaney, Bignal Crook, T. W. Chaney, M. P. Estes, D. Williams, A. M. Estes, T. J. Winningham, David Williams, L. Bishop, D. L. Bishop, Hodges Lanier, J. C. Taro/Faro, T. A. Rayner, James Lacey, John Culbreath, Jas. Bryant, E. T. F , Sarah Crook, E. Dunnahoe, A. Dunnahoe, W. Byram, W. S. Tucker, John A. Scott, Wedder, Boothe, J. H. Lanier, Daniel Williams. Notes on Daniel Williams, Bignal Crook.
p. 180 - 23 Feb 1844 - Sale of property of F. McCOY estate; Lance Graves, adm. Items included cows, bells, a colt and a steer at Fuller's. Totalled $99.08. Buyers were Lance Graves, R. C. West, Saml. Dunlap, Allen Alford, Joseph Wardlaw, R. W. Walker, Chas. Black.

p. 181 - 4 Feb 1839 - Bond of Leroy Lockard, Hiram Meadows, and William Weddle to Newton Cannon, Governor for $4000 to secure Leroy Lockard who was appointed administrator of John LOCKARD, dec'd. (H. C. Keller also signed).


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