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Will of C. E. Lunsford

Submitted by
Will of C. E. Lunsford.
(Carey Eugene Lunsford, son of Aris D. Lunsford)

Ripley, Tennessee, January 12, 1937.

I, C. E. Lunsford, knowing the uncertainty of life and being of sound and disposing mind do make and declare this to be my will.

I desire my son Chas. B. Lunsford now of New York City, N.Y. to have $1500.00 more than half the value of my real estate because he has borne expenses for his brother Ewart E.

Lunsford of Los Angeles, Calif.

My Son Ewart E. Lunsford inherits the remainder of my real estate in case of my death.

The values of real property are to be determined and set apart by Mr. John B. Hunter whom I wish to be my executor and administrator.

I wish division of my property to be made without resort to court proceedings (Mr. Hunter resides about 3 or 3 ¼ mi. west of Ripley in the Arp Community)

My real property consists of two house with lots in Ripley, Tennessee, one farm of 83 acres near Halls, Tenn. A tract of 360 acres of land in Pairie County, Ark. About 3 ½ miles N.W. of Des Arc. Ark. Recorded in Des Arc ### Bayou. I have purchased a farm the Anna Roberson farm of 48 acres in the second civil district of Lauderdale county, Tennessee and have bargained it to M.F. Gray and wife. The title remains in me until payment is made in full. Their indebtedness to me is evidenced by two promissory notes bearing interest of $151./ the other of $70./.

My personal property is to be shared equally between my two sons, Charles and Ewart after my indebtedness if any has been paid. The Farmers Union Bank of Ripley, Tenn and the Bank of Halls, Halls, Tenn have my money in their possession. Which amounts total approximately $1000. or $1100. My personal property consisting of furniture, guns and transit are to be sold-unless wished by my son or sons either privately or publicly by Mr. Hunter. Mr. Hunter is to receive pay for his services in caring for my business. He is authorized to employ an attorney to give him legal advice in managing my business.

The real property is to be managed for 5 years before my sons may sell it. Mr. Hunter acting as my agent during that time. After five years have elapsed my sons may sell the real ###### property. In case Mr. and Mrs. Gray should fail to make payments in full to me by Dec. 1st 1937. I wish to retain the land and pay or have Mr. Hunter pay the Federal Land Bank in full thereby vesting the land in me. Such payment to be made as soon as possible, within the period of five years.

Written by my own hand this January 12, 1937 as my last will and testament on five pages of small note book to which I hereby affix my signature.

C.E. Lunsford

Subscribed, published and declared by the said C.E. Lunsford as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us, who at this request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.

B.L. Paschal.
Ripley, Tenn

J.L. Westbrook.
Ripley, Tenn

Additional Information as to my business:

I purchased Anna Roberson farm in Nov. 1935 assuming a loan of approximately $1100. I paid cash total of about $340. Later I sold or bargained to sell it to M.R. Gray and wife at cost price to me. They have paid me $237.50 - $36. They owe me by two notes bearing interest the amounts of $151. / $70. - Notes are in my possession. See Same.

Probated April 24th 1937, Minute Book B-2 page 2.

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