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Goodman Petition for Dower, February Term 1866
Martha Goodman, wodow of Overton Goodman, dec'd
James A. Lackey, Admr. of Overton Goodman, dec'd.

Source for the following: Lauderdale County, TN. Will Book E; pages 322-323


Martha Goodman, widow of
Overton Goodman, dec'd.
James A. Lackey, admr. Of
Overton Goodman, dec'd.
M.D. Cox & Catherine Cox,
his wife, Henry Edwards
& wife, Mary Ann Edwards
W. B. Goodman and John T.
Goodman, minor

On motion of the plaintiff, it appearing that Overton Goodman died on ______ day of ________ 1865, seized in fee of the following described lands lying in Lauderdale County, state of Tennessee, on which he resided at the time of his death. Beginning on a white oak standing in the east boundary line of a 5000 acre tract granted to Adam Boyd, 116 poles west of the n.w. corner of an occupant made in the name of Benjamin Weemes, runs east 253 poles to a dogwood, thence north 84 poles to the souteast corner of an entry in the name of T.H. Henderson, thence west 140 poles to an ash, thence north 75 poles to the s.e. corner of an occupant made in the name of H. Lusk, thence west with the same 108 poles to a poplar, thence south to the beginning, containing by estimation 182 acres. There is excepted out of the above boundary, the following described tract of land conveyed by Overton Goodman to John Goodman and thus bounded, to wit: lying in Lauderdale County and said state bounded as follows, viz: beginning at a white oak, the east boundary line of a 5000 acre entry granted to Adam Boyd and 116 poles west to the northwest corner of an occupant made in the name of Benjamin Weemes, runs thence north 159 poles to a poplar, thence east to H. Lusks occupant, 81 poles to a stake, thence south 159 poles to a stake, thence west to the beginning and also of a tract of land containing 26 acres and bounded as follows, to wit: beginning at the southwest corner of a tract of land conveyed by Abner Stacy to A.J. Hargate and the southeast corner of the above described tract of Overton Goodman, thence north with the line, 84 poles, thence east 38 1/4 poles to a stake, thence south 84 poles to the south boundary line of the said hargate, thence west with said line 38 1/4 poles to the beginning. It appearing further that the plaintiff was his lawful wife and is entitled to dower in said land. It appearing also that the plaintiff has given the defendant, M.D. Cox and Catherine Cox, his wife, Uards and wife, Mary Ann Edwards, W.B. Goodman, John T. Goodman, the only heirs of the said deceased, and James A. Lackey, his administrator, five days notice of this application. It is therefore ordered by the court that Drury Massey and Wm. C. Singleton, free holders of said county, be appointed commissioners in conjunction with John E. Gray, county surveyor of said county, to set off to the plaintiff the one-third part in value of said land for her dower and report to the next term of this court.

Source for the following: Lauderdale County, TN. Will Book E; pages 359-360



Martha Goodman
James A. Lackey,

Be it remembered that on this, the 3rd day of April 1866, the commissioners hereto appointed to lay off dower made their report here to court, which is in the words and figures following, to wit: to the worshipful county court of Lauderdale County, the undersigned commissioners, appointed at your February term, to lay off and set apart to Mrs. Martha Goodman, widow of Overton Goodman, dec'd, dower in the lands of said Overton Goodman, beg leave to report as follows: after being duly sworn, we examined the land described in your order, and have valued the same at $960.00, and have laid off as her dower the following described tract, to wit: beginning at a stake in the south boundary line of the 120 acre tract, described at your order, with dogwood, chestnut, and small black oak pointers, runs north 53 84/100 poles to a stake, on the east side of the Ripley Road, thence east 52 poles to a stake with a redbud, small black gum and white oak pointers, thence north 30 12/100 poles to a stake with white oak and ash pointers, the southeast corner of an entry made in the name of T.H. Henderson, thence east 38 25/100 poles to a small ash, with white oak, walnut and hickory pointers, thence south 84 poles to a small dogwood, with white oak, black gum and dogwood pointers, thence west 90 25/100 poles to the beginning, containing 37 1/2 acres, which we believe to be one-third of the value of the land described in your order.

Danny Massey
W.H. Singleton
John E. Gray- county surveyor

the above report being unexcepted to, is approved and confirmed in all things, and ordered that Martha Goodman pay the cost of this proceeding, for which execution may issue

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