The Will of George Chipman

submitted by and contact

1. I revoke all former wills by me heretofore made.

2. I have given each of my three daughters Narcissa Tennessee, Mary Eudora and Anna Pauline bout 156 acres of land amounting in the agravate to bout 468 acres leaving me the owner of from 156 to 200 acres of the Maxwell land on which our house is situated and the 140 85/100 acres which I purchased from- W.Woodfine and others which lies immediately west of and adjoining our homestead trac constituting together one trac of about 300 to 350 acres which I give, bequeath and devise to my wife Elizabeth for the period of her normal life said lands lies in said County of Lauderdale and any reference made to my deeds from John M. Maxwell and Isaac D. Maxwell and W. Woodfine and others and my deeds to my three daughters all registered in said County for the description and boundaries of said land herein devise to my said wife for life.

3. I direct my executor hereafter appointed to prove my will in the first term of the county court of the said county after my death and immediately cause a years support laid off by commissioners approved by said court for my wife strictly according to law in case of inter....and deliver the same together with all personal property tht I may own at my death not subject to excution at law to my wife and take her itomized.....therefor.

4. I direct my Executor out of the remainder of my personal estate including money on hand and due me to pay all my debts and legal liabilities as soon as possible....... a sacrifice.

5. I have Sheriff Cobb deed for two lots of land which is duly registered which land was purchased at excution sale as the property of F.M.Wilkinson and is subject to redemption. If said land is redeemed after my death my Executor is authorized to recover the same if not redeemed within the time required by law my Executor is directed to sell and convey therin and treat the proceeds as personal.

6. I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Eudora one good cow and calf and one good feather bed clothes bedstand and furniture.

7. I give and bequeath to my daughter Anna Pauline wife of Isaac B. Wheatley one good feather bed, bed clothes and bedstand, but if the same is delivered to her in my life time this Specail legacy is to be held and not to be paid to her 8. I give and bequeath and devise to my two sons James and Thomas and their heirs forever.........the remainder the lands herein delivered to my wife Elizabeth for life.

9. I give and bequeath the remainder of my property and personal.................. not herein before disposed of to my wife Elizabeth and my 5 children James, Thomas, Narcissa Tennessee, Mary Eudore, and Anna Pauline in.... to be divided equally between them and share alike.

10. Whatever sum of money if any my Executor may have to pay each of my said three daugthers under this will he is authorized and empowered to pay to each of them in their own hands personally and not otherwise and take thiir receipt thereof in their own name without regards to their ages at the time of payment, which receipt shall be sufficient vouchers for said payment in the settlement of this account.

I Nominiate consititute and approve Josiah C. Manley sole executor of this my last will and testament is witness whereof I hereunto set my Hand this 18th day of May 1877............... George X Chipman

Probated and order to be June 3rd 1878
Note X was his mark

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