W. A. Burks will (1917)
State of Tennessee
Lauderdale County

Submitted by
I, W. A. Burks, a citizen and resident of Lauderdale County in the State of Tennessee, being of sound and disposing mind, do hereby make and publish this my last Will and Testament, and by these presents do revoke any and all other devises of every kind heretofore by me made.

1. I hereby consign my body to the earth from which it sprang, and comend my soul to God, my maker.

2. I direct that all my just debts including my funeral expenses be paid in full.

3. I direct that there be paid to the two children of my son Robert Burks, now deceased, the sum of ($10.00) Ten Dollars, to be divided between them equally; that there be paid to my son Pink Burks the sum of ($10.00) Ten Dollars; that there be paid to the children of my son W. C. Burks, now deceased, the sum of ($10.00) Ten Dollars to be equally divided between them; that there be paid to the children of my daughter Mary, now deceased, who was the wife of W. L. Wood, the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars to be equally divided between them; that there be paid to my son, Jim Burks, the sum of Ten dollars ($10.00).

4. I hereby give, devise and bequeath unto my son, S. H. Burks, the following described tract or parcel of land, it being cut from the Southwest corner of my home tract on which I live and is thus bounded, towit; Beginning at a stake on the west side of the public road and in the west boundary line of the tract of which this is a part, near the "Big Gate", runs thence east with the South with the said Gate, 35 poles to a stake, about 30 feet south of a large red oak; thence south 6 degrees east 35 poles and 6 links to a stake in the southeast corner of the Spring Lot, to walnut and one ash pointer; thence east 8 degrees south 36 poles to a stake in the southwest corner of the New Ground field, 3 small gum pointers; thence east 28 1/2 poles to a stake in the south line of said New Ground field; thence south 34 poles and 7 links to a state in the south line of the original tract; thence west 104 1/2 poles with the south line of the tract to the original southwest corner, a stake in the road about 30 feet west from a large Black gum; thence north 78 poles with the road on the west side of the tract to the beginning, containing 35 acres, more or less.

5. I here by give, devise and bequeath unto my daughter, Sally Adaline, the widow of R. F. Lasson, all the residue of my property, real, personal and mixed, under the following conditions, ______: out of the personal property she is to pay all debts against land; and she is to pay all the bequests made to my other children or grand children as set out in Item No. 3; but should there not be enough of the personal property, including the money I may have on hand at the time of my death to pay the debts taxes and bequests as set out herein then she is to pay the balance thereon herself before she takes the land. These debts shall be a lien against all the money and personal property, and also against the land until all said debts and bequests shall have been paid in full. All the personal property she shall take in her own right subject to the debts and bequests as set out herein, but the land she will take only during the term of her natural life, and at her death unto the children of her body, per stripes. In witness whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature on this the 31st Day of January 1917 A.D.

W. A. Burks, his signature

W. A. Burks, with whom we are personally acquainted, signed this instrument in our presence and acknowledged the same to be his last Will and Testament; and at his request we have signed the same as witnesses in his presence and in the presence of each other. This the 31st Day of January, 1917. A. D.

A. J. Barbee
Joe B. Lackey
H. B. Davis

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