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Thomas Ray family

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PHOTO: Troy Lee Savage family, Lauderdale County, TN

This is a copy of the original photograph that was made in 1896 in Nankipoo, Tennessee.

(On the back of the original is a sheet with the following information)

Left to right, seated:
Martha Ray   (mother to Leonard nee Cobb)  b: 1809
Leonard B. Ray
  b: 1847 - d: 11 Nov 1900
Mary Parthena Ray   
(in father's lap)  b: 10 Sep 1893 - d: 28 Sep 1963
Mary Palestine Ray
  (nee Lucy, wife of Leonard)
Annie Ray  
 (in mother's lap)  b: 11 Nov 1895 - d: 11 May 1966
Martha Elizabeth Ray   
b: 17 Nov 1890 - d: 1 Jan 1964

Left to right, standing:
Max Logan Ray   b: 30 May 1888 - d: 26 Sep 1962
Thomas Mauldin Ray   b: 4 Jan 1886 - d: 1 May 1925
Rebecca Ray
William Blackburn Ray
  b: 23 Aug 1882 - d: 6 Feb 1953
Robert Henry Ray   b: 25 July 1879 - d: 4 July 1956

Thomas Mauldin Ray is my Great Great Grandfather. I have not been able to find out why he died so young compared to his siblings. His father, Leonard, was said to have died in a cotton gin accident while working on the Browning farm. It is said that he is buried in the Browning Cemetery but I have yet to confirm.

Melanie Wilson

submitted by:
(Great Great Granddaughter of Thomas Mauldin Ray)

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