Robertson Meadows / M. D. Cox deed (1859)

Meadows Deed Lauderdale County, TN

R.R. Meadows

This indenture made and entered into this October 31st A.D.

To: Deed One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Nine between M. D. Cox, Robertson Meadows of the one part and M. D. Cox of the other part, both of the state of Tennesse and County of Lauderdale within... that the said Robertson Meadows for and in consideration of the sum of Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars to him in hand paid by the said M. D. Cox the receipt of whereof is hereby acknowledged, has bargained and sold unto the sd M. D. Cox, his heirs & a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the sd State of Tennessee and County of Lauderdale in Range 3 Section 11 Sixth Civil District, adjoining a 640 acre tract entered in the name of the Trustees of East Tennessee College and others, it being a part of the tract and granted to the heirs of Joshua Wright for 200 acres and bounded as follows.

Beginning at the North East corner as sd ........Dogwood and pointers, thence West sixty four poles to a stake, thence South one hundred and twenty five poles to a stake, thence East sixty four poles to a stake, thence North with the College tract line one hundred and twenty five poles to the beginning - containing fifty have and to hold the same to his own use and from the demand or demands all persons whatsoever. And the said Robertson Meadows futher binds himself, his heirs & c to warrant and forever defend a good and sufficient title in and to the sd. M. D. Cox, his heirs & c. In witiness whereof the said Robertson Meadows has herein set his hand and affixed his seal the day and date above written.

Robertson Meadows [Seal]


A. J. Halliburton
C. W. Lockard

State of Tennesse Personally appeared before me, Zole Manley Lauderdale County Clerk of the County Court of said County, Robertson Meadows the within named bargainor, with whom I am personally aquainted and who acknowledged that he executed the forgoing deed for the purposes therein contained. Witness my hand at Office this 7th day of November 1859. State Tax 7 1\2 cents paid.

Zole Manley, Clerk

Presented to me for registration this 15th day of May 1860 at 4 o'clock p.m.

Ben F. Lacky, registrar

Submitted by

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