Tennessee Cemeteries |
Jackson County Cemetery Book Available Jackson County Cemetery Inscriptions - 1801-2003, by Larry Mabry and Reda Bilbery.
It is $120.99 delivered, and is a 1056-page library bound book. Order from:Larry Mabry
189 Dudney Hill Lane
Gainesboro, TN 38562It can also be purchased at the Jackson County Library.
The Tennessee USGenWeb Archives and Tombstone Transcription Register formerly on Rootsweb lists several Jackson County cemeteries. Several Jackson cemeteries are also listed in the Tombstone Transcription Project.
records in the USGenWeb Archives
A detailed color map of Jackson County, showing the locations of cemeteries in Jackson County is available, a low-resolution JPEG version of which is available here.
A printed full color copy approximately 36" x 52" in size, is available for $30 plus 9.25% TN sales tax (TN residents only) and $7.50 s/h, catalog number CAR-MAP-044, from:
Charles Reeves, Jr. 10812 Dineen Drive Knoxville, TN 37934-1809 reevesca@tds.net http://www.ReevesMaps.comTwo versions are available, one with a plain background and one with a shaded relief background (like a topo map). They can also be ordered from Charles' web site using a credit card thorough PayPal.
Tennessee Cemetery & Burial Site Laws. The Early Days