This page will link you to people in Jackson County and on the WEB who have volunteered to help with questions about the area or do look ups in books they own. These are not professional genalogist or researchers. Please make resonable requests. Also, don't forget to thank them they are doing this for free and taking up their time and other resources.
The links are resticted to email addresses to protect the helpers privacy. If you contact them they may choose to give you their snail mail address and/or phone number.
Jeff Davenport -- Jeff is our first volunteer and lives in Jackson County. How appropriate for the Volunteer State.
Col. Henry A Ford -- Tennessee Division Recruiter for Son of Confederate Veterns
Jim Bass -- "The Weaver Families of Georgia - Volume I."
Katy Hott -- Jackson County 1850 census book look-ups.
Nancy Hamm -- I am willing to do look ups for Jackson County. I have the following:
Tennessee Land Grants C-Cz, H-Hz, S-Sz, N-O, P-Q
Tennesseans in the Civil War, Parts 1 and 2
Tennessee's Confederate Widows and their Families
Index to Confederate Pension Applications
Jackson County, TN Chancery Court Minutes 1840-1861
Family Tree Maker (FTM) CD Census Bundle-1607-1880
FTM CD Social Security Death Index
FTM CD Family History: VA Genealogies, 1 and 2
The Complete Book of Emigrants, 1607-1776
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1538-1940I also have several research books on Newton County, Arkansas, where my Jackson County, TN family moved to from Jackson County.