Tri-State F.F.A. Queen Banquet (1949)
The Tri-State F.F.A. Queen Banquet will be held in the ballroom of the Road home in Chattanooga, Monday, February 22. At this banquet the winners of the 1949 contest will be revealed. As there were 33 entries in the contest this year, there should be some strong competition between candidates. This contest includes several counties of Tenn., Ga. and Ala. And there is a judge from each state. Each Chapter is allowed to have five delegates attend the banquet. The Bledsoe F.F.A. Chapter’s delegates are: Miss Jeanenne HAMILTON, Chapter Queen; Mrs. Mary BAKER, sponsor of senior class of which Jeanenne is a member; Mr. Jamey McWILLIAMS, principal of the high school; Roy GREESON, advisor of local chapter and Winton BOYNTON, president of the chapter. – –Gordon ROBERSON, reporter.
Source: Bledsonian Banner, 24 Feb 1949