Sheriff Sale (1872)
Sheriff Sale
By virtue of an execution issued from the office of the Chancery Court Clerk, at Cleveland, and to me directed, I will, on the 20th day of June, 1872, expose to public sale, at the court house door, in Cleveland, Tenn, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, title, interest and claim, that Wm L. HALE has in and to the following town lot, to-wit Lot No.5, in the LEA addition, situate in the town of Cleveland, bounded on the north by the lands of Caswell LEA, on the west by a lot belonging to W. C. TIBBS, on the south by the street running between said lot and W. S. MONTGOMERY, on the east by the lot of P.L. BIBLE. Levied on as the property of W.L. HALE to satisfy a judgment and costs that A.J. WHITE, former Clerk & Master, obtained against him and Lewis HALE, dec’d, in the Chancery Court at Cleveland, Tenn.
Isaac LOW, Shiff.
[originally published May 24, 1872–tds press fee $5.60] (page 3, col 4)
Source: Cleveland Banner (Cleveland, TN); 24 May 1872. Available online at Google News Archive.