HODGE, John J. (d. 1851)

Died.  Neaar Murfreesboro, Tenn. On Wednesday, 16th inst., Mr. JOHN J. HODGE, formerly of the firm of John J. Hodge & Co., of this place.  Mr. HODGE was a most worthy citizen, quiet, unobtrusive, sincere and earnest—in all things discharging his duty with entire faithfulness.  He removed to this place a few years since, and never has any man moving in the quiet walks of life, won more upon the confidence and esteem of the public than he had, by his habits of industry and sobriety, and his amiable and unostentatious deportment.  None knew him but to respect him— none spoke of him but to praise.  In his death, a good man has prematurely fallen.

Source: Fayetteville Observer (Fayetteville, TN);  22 April 1851. Available online at Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers

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