PENNEBAKER, E.R. – (d. 1875)
Ex-Comptroller E.R. PENNEBAKER, died in Lebanon on Monday. Source: Jackson Sun, June 6, 1875
Ex-Comptroller E.R. PENNEBAKER, died in Lebanon on Monday. Source: Jackson Sun, June 6, 1875
Jordan HOLT, a negro boy eighteen years of age, under sentence of death for violating the person of a white girl thirteen years old, and whose case had been appealed to the Supreme Court setting in Nashville, has had his sentence commuted by that court, from death to imprisonment for
There has been three deaths in this community within the past week. Near Picketville on the 15th Mrs. A. SENTER, aged about 50 years, died of consumption. In this place last Friday, Joseph RIFFLE, a citizen of Texas and bridge contractor, died also of consumption, aged 30 years. Last evening
There are very few slaves in this country now except editors, but there is a man in Jackson who has a negro boy that he bought before the war, and <…> him yet, the emancipation proclamation to the contrary notwithstanding. He is a fine black, sleek looking fellow, wears only
Chilhowee correspondence Maryville Republican: On Wednesday, the 5th inst., as a son of Mr. A.J. SAUNDERS was plowing in a field on the old Grant farm, in this section, all at once the team broke through the ground into a hole, which upon examination was found to contain a human
The Pulaski Citien says: The assessment for Giles county for 1874 was $72,139.27, and our collector, W.G. LEWIS, has collected and paid over $63,646.79. Thus by a mathematical calculation it will be seen that Mr. LEWIS has collected and paid over 88 1/2 cents in the dollar, while the Bedford
Nashville Banner: It was reported in the city yesterday that a boy ten or twelve years old, the son of Mr. FERRY, residing northwest of Nashville, getting tired of nursing his sister, an infant six months old, last Friday took down a pistol and shot her, the ball putting out
Married – On Sunday, Nov. 8th, at the resident of Mr. E. SAWELL, by Rev. W.W. MORRISON, Mr. W.T. SPILLMAN, of Atlanta, Ga., and Miss Clara YEAROUT, of this place. The happy bride and groom left on the evening train for Atlanta. May Heaven’s most choice blessings attend them as
Died, at 8 o’clock on the 28th of January 1886, of Typhoid fever, at the residence of Dr. A.J. ADAMS, Lagrange, Tennessee, Miss Sarah C., daughter of Jeremiah G. and Emma J. ADAMS, of Desha County, Arkansas. How uncertain is life! Miss ADAMS had scarcely entered her 16th year ere
Married – On the 3d inst., J.L. ABERNATHY to Miss Martha R. GRUBBS. Source: The Pulaski citizen. (Pulaski, Tenn.), 05 Jan. 1866. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>
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