Nine Mile Locals (24 February 1949)
Nine Mile Locals
- Miss Janice WALKER of Chattanooga spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Billie WALKER.
- Mr. and Mrs. Edd WORTHINGTON have moved to their farm they bought from Mr. and Mrs. Columbus SCARBOROUGH.
- Mr. Arch WALKER is ill, and went to a Veteran’s Hospital last week, near Nashville
- Mr. Bill WALKER is ill at the Pikeville Clinic
- Miss Martha Ross SWAFFORD was remove to her home near Dunlap from Dr. Broyles Hospital in Dayton Saturday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Irvin DOWNEY and children, John Lee and Beth visited his mother Saturday evening, Mrs. John DOWNEY near Sale Creek.
- Mr. Landon BROWN has started to build them a house on the land he purchased from Sam BROWN on the highway.
- Mr. Harvey LEWIS was shopping in town Saturday.
- Mrs. T.Y. SWAFFORD and Mrs. Roy GREESON attended a meeting at Melvine Thursday afternoon at the school house.
- Mrs. Casto TOLLETT of Litton attended church at Linary Sunday.
Source: Bledsonian Banner, 24 Feb 1949