MainResearch AidsFamilies & IndividualsWilliam Skelton, Revolutionary War Veteran

Distant Crossroads, a publication of the Hawkins County Genealogical Society, lists William Skelton as a Revolutionary War Soldier of Hawkins County Tennessee “William Skelton b. 4 Mar 1762 VA served in VA age 72 1832 pension list.  On 1840 Hawkins Co. TN census”  (No. S-3915). (Distant Crossroads, April 1986, p. 36)

“William: b 3-4-1762 VA d a (ante…before) 3-4-1844 TN m X (unknown) Pvt VA PNSR (soldier pensioned)” (DAR Patriot Index – Centennial Edition, Part 3, 1990).

He was still living at 71 years of age when on 27th of May 1833 he applied for a pension for his Revolutionary War service.  I quote T. Bailey, “He volunteered in the army, or service of the United States, under the immediate command of Captain Samuel Coleman in the County of Caroline and State of Virginia, on about the last of April or first of May 1779.”

“From Caroline County to Williamsburg, Virginia, at which place Gen. Scott Commanded; at which he was discharged by Capt. Coleman, after serving two months; and returned home a distance of 80 miles; that he was not again called out into the service of the United States until the first of January 1781, when he was drafted in the County of Amherst in the State of Virginia and put under the command of Capt. James Barnett, and marched to Richmond in Virginia; from Richmond the company was marched to Williamsburg; the company was marched to Yorktown.  The troops at that place being at that time under the  command of General Nelson.

After the arrival of Capt. Barnett’s company at York, Col. Charles Dabney took command of the companies of Capt. Barnett’s, Capt. Graham’s, and Capt. Tucker’s. From York was marched to Hampton to the halfway house; from which place to Williamsburg, at which place he was discharged the first day of April 1781 and sent home after serving three months.  On the last day of April or the first day of May same year 1781, he substituted for Hugh McAnnallary in a company commanded by Capt. William Gibbons of Augusta Co. Virginia; was marched to Richmond and kept on constant march and duty, SOMETIMES UNDER THE MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE.  The last commander was General William Campbell, who died about the time he left the army for Amherst and up the county where he remained in the service until capture of Lord Cornwallace, being five months and fifteen days–altogether ten months and fifteen days.  etc. etc.”

A Baptist preacher, Rev. William Feagins vouched for him saying, “he is respected and believed to have been a Revolutionary soldier.”

After investigation as prescribed by the War Department Stockley D. Mitchell, clerk of the court of pleas and quarter sessions for Hawkins County states, “above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier and served as he states.”

Revolutionary Claim Act June 7, 1832  Book E Vol 76, p. 133  26670 Jonesboro, Tennessee.  Was alotted $35 per year for his service.  His only proof, William says of his war service, was that which could be provided by John Skelton (a brother) and Margaret Cavin (a sister?)

This info was submitted by Rev. Nathan R. Riley .

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