Book ___, Page 472
Proven: Feb’y 23, 1835

Know all men by these presents, I John M. Vaughan of Hawkins County, Tennessee, taking into consideration the uncertainty of human life and being desirous of settling and regulating my own affairs in the event of my death, do make and publish this my last Will & Testament, revoking and annulling all others.

Imprimis. It is my will and desire that my body be decently committed to the Earth from whence it came.

Item. It is my will and desire that the tract of land on which I now live consisting of the tract that was allotted to my wife out of her father’s Estate composed of five or six acres south of the stage road and also consisting of a lot bought of Jacob Wills for which I hold his title bond, of about 40 acres lying north of the road and adjoining J. Francisco on the east and also consisting of another tract bought of Critz on both sides of the state road joining the lands of O. Bradley & J. Wills & others containing about 81 acres, and said tract on which I live is supposed to contain in all about 195 acres.

Now, it is my will said tract of land, together with all my household and kitchen furniture, farming utensils and stock shall go to my wife Elizabeth Vaughan during her life, to raise, educate and support her children, and support and maintain herself during her natural life, and at her death the same to be equally divided among my children by her, Viz: John H. Vaughan, Jr., Elizabeth Vaughan, Jr. and William P. Vaughan.

It is my will that my slaves go to my said wife during her natural life, for the same purposes as above, and at her death to also (be) equally divided between among my said three children, John H. Vaughan, Elizabeth & William P. Vaughan.

Item. It is my will that all my debts be collected by my Executors and the proceeds applied to the settlement of all just claims against my Estate.

Item. It is my will that my plantation called the McMinn Place, consisting of the land I bot of Robert Morrison & F. A. Ross containing by supposition about 500 acres, more or less, be sold by my Executors on a credit of one and two years, at public sale to the highest bidder on bond and security good and sufficient, and that the proceeds thereof after paying any debts that may not be discharged by the claims I hold on others shall be equally divided, share and share alike among my four children by my first wife, Viz: Henry H. H. Vaughan, James M. Vaughan, Thomas J. Vaughan, George W. Vaughan & Florintha Vaughan.

Item. It is my will and desire that any portion of the Estate of their grandfather, Jeremiah Cloud coming to me in right of their mother shall be confirmed to my said children and be vested in them.

Item. It is my will that James Francisco and my wife Elizabeth Vaughan be Executor and Executrix of this my last Will & Testament and that no security be required unless my wife Elizabeth should marry again.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal. This 22nd day of November, 1834.

John M. Vaughan (seal)

Witnesses present who witnessed the same at the request and in the presence of the Testator:

Orville Bradley
Randolph Burris
George Cloud
George Morrison

Transcribed by Betty Mize

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